Four Moves Through Doom
If you're feeling overwhelmed – and tempted by denial or despair, author and contemplative activist Brian McLaren proposes four moves to help you find life after a feeling of doom.
Speaker(s): Brian McLarenChurch Reparations For Slavery? Dream on!
In 2023/24 pilgrimages of church leaders in Jamaica and the UK met to advance conversations about reparations for the wrongs of slavery. Hear from these leaders as we explore how to face the past and...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Dr Robert Beckford, Dario SolanoFaith For The Climate? Dream on!
85% of the world's people identify with a religion, so how can religious communities around the world be a more powerful force for action on climate? We'll be joined by faith leaders in the UK...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Giles Goddard, Dr Shanon Shah, Rev Rachel MashGuvna B in Conversation
Rapper, author and broadcaster Guvna B talks powerfully about youth violence. Discover its root causes and explore actionable steps our community can take to create lasting solutions and be part of...
Speaker(s): Guvna BThe Problem with Lived Experience
Darren McGarvey asks the difficult question: why personal stories of adversity feel good, but change nothing. He'll provoke us to think about social change and our relationships to our neighbour –...
Speaker(s): Darren McGarvey, Trussell TrustLooked After
Author Ashley John-Baptiste knows all too well the struggles young people in care and foster families face. His story reflects one of the 38K children coming into the care system this year. Join him...
Speaker(s): Home for Good, Ashley John-Baptiste, Tarn BrightOMG! Finding Hope In A World Falling Apart
‘I don't believe in an interventionist God', says Nick Cave. With good reason, given the untold carnage and suffering in the world. The cry ‘Where is God now?' heard in Auschwitz echoes in...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonTo Tell The Truth, Despite the Cost
Explore the life and message of novelist James Baldwin with priest and scholar Jarel Robinson-Brown: how his fearlessness and courage, his witness and his rage can help us navigate our world today.""
Speaker(s): Jarel Robinson-BrownSolidarity Not Charity In The Age Of Nakba
From the demos to the University encampments, young adults are leading the way in rethinking action for Palestine. Join a panel of young adult Christians as we dream about where this activism goes...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Student Christian Movement, Georgia Mifsud, William Gibson, Bella Cross, Joharah BakerTransition and Collapse
Drawing from her meeting with decolonial leaders in the Sahel, Gail, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, will explore how we can “grow up and show up” as our systems collapse to support our...
Speaker(s): Gail BradbrookFeed the Faith. Starve the Fear.
Marvin Hagler's mantra has long-fuelled Jason Arday's belief that love and hope are what we most need to reconnect with one another and face our challenging times. The youngest-ever Black...
Speaker(s): Jason ArdayDreamers Who Do: Ecotheology
Welcome dreamers and doers! Wondering how to turn your creation care dreams into realities? Join the conversation, and explore practical ways of living out eco-theology.""""
Speaker(s): Church Mission Society, Methodist ChurchGod As… Child, Chaotic And Curious
What if we're called to be childlike in God's new kingdom, precisely because God is more childlike than adult? What if God is the chaos-shaped bundle of life which disrupts and disorders a...
Speaker(s): Graham AdamsDreamers Who Do: Liberating the Dreamers
Are you a church leader looking for change-makers? Chances are there are already dreamers who do in your midst. Together with CMS and the Methodist Church, we'll swap strategies for encouraging...
Speaker(s): Church Mission Society, Methodist ChurchYou are a Beautiful Human Person
The love and soulful theology of former Greenbelt trustee Pip Wilson continues to shape the festival and lives of the Beautiful Human Persons (BHPs) attending. Join Andy Turner, Paul Vincent and...
Speaker(s): Greenbelt presents...