On Friendship
When Tennyson met Gladstone they bickered over who had most loved their mutual friend Hallam, the subject of Tennyson's poem In Memoriam. From friendship expressed by letter to affection recalled...
Speaker(s): Sarah PerrySustaining Faithful Activism: From D-Locks To Divestment
Siobhan and Ruth will share their journeys in Christian climate activism. Come and discuss how we can help our church be the prophetic voice the earth needs it to be. Ruth helps run Christian...
Speaker(s): Ruth Jarman and Siobhan GrimesWhy Can’t My Dog Take Communion?
After studying environmental ethics, Ruth wrote her debut novel, Enemy of the Earth. Exploring the surprising parallels between environmental activism and Christianity, it mines her faith journeys...
Speaker(s): Ruth RuderhamFood And Faith
How to eat well in a hungry world and integrate our food into our spirituality. Ruth is a community activist, Christian, academic, eco-warrior, mum, author, veg grower, wife and pig keeper rolled...
Speaker(s): Ruth ValerioWhen Certainty Fails
Poetry seeks to find words of meaning when other words fail. Pádraig Ó Tuama's poetry explores faith, gay identity, conflict and story, and intersperses it with anecdote, warmth and humour to...
Speaker(s): Pádraig Ó TuamaLet Us Remember: Stories Of Peace From The First World War
The witness of peacemakers in WW1 should prompt us to question how we resist and challenge war in 2014. What better way to commemorate the ‘war to end all wars'? Campaigner, educator and...
Speaker(s): Pat GaffneyWhat Did Brian Ever Do For Us?
When Monty Python's Life of Brian opened in 1979, the Bishop of Southwark accused the Pythons of blasphemy to get their ‘thirty pieces of silver'. 35 years on, Richard Burridge, in conversation...
Good Myth, Bad Myth
Myth takes us on a journey through literature, social theory, migration politics and the environmental imagination. Beyond ‘myth-busting' and telling tales of the oppressed, how can the...
Speaker(s): Naomi MillnerAtheists: The Origin Of The Species
Where does atheism come from? Nick explains the origin and direction of Western unbelief. Who were the first modern atheists and why did they reject God so angrily? Did Darwin kill God? And is...
Speaker(s): Nick SpencerSeeking Sanctuary, Sexuality And Staying Safe
A discussion about the problems faced by the LGBT community leading to direct actions at strategic, community and interpersonal levels to address the injustice and oppression within the asylum...
Speaker(s): North East Gay Asylum GroupLike Father, Like Daughter: The Tutu Legacy
Using prerecorded video footage of her father Desmond Tutu (following his Templeton Prize award), hear Mpho reflect on her father's words and life with Prof. Richard Burridge. Mpho is an Episcopal...
Speaker(s): Mpho TutuA Romp Through The Church Year With Sinners And Saints
From creating an Advent icon out of torn up bits of Christmas advertising, to a ‘Selling of Indulgences' bake sale on Reformation Day – come and see a slide show of how House For All Sinners...
Speaker(s): Nadia Bolz-WeberThe Authority Of Experience And What The Gospel Has To Say About Real Bodies, People, Events And Trauma
What The Gospel Has To Say About Real Bodies, People, Events And Trauma How a Christian community responded to school shootings, the Trayvon Martin murder, and gay suicides. Nadia is the founding...
Speaker(s): Nadia Bolz-WeberA Political Theology Of Climate Change
The UN and the UK government are failing to mitigate climate changing practices. This is because they think of the earth as capital resource, not divine creation. Reaffirming the earth as God's...
Speaker(s): Michael NorthcottGeorge Herbert: Poems That Can Seriously Damage Your Atheism
George Herbert, a 17th-century courtier and priest, who died at 33 having written only one book of poems, still grips the imagination. What do his poems have to say about life, faith and the church...