God as… Uncontrolling Love
Many people are confused, deconstructing, or walking away from God. The reasons for departure are often linked to particular views of God. Many are told God allows evil, is uninvolved, is partial to...
Speaker(s): Thomas Jay OordSurviving the Middle-Class Church
Sharon Jagger and Alex Fry share stories from their research into the experiences of working-class clergy (and, by extension, their congregation members) in the Church of England. In light of their...
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Anna Alls, Dr Sharon Jagger, Dr Alex FryBanking On It
Around 1 million people in the UK don't have a bank account. Join the JustMoney Movement as they share how communities are organising to meet this need, what the role of credit union is, and what...
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, JustMoney Movement, The Pentecostal Credit Union (PCU)Why The Church Shouldn’t Include Working-Class People
Come for a lively discussion with Luke Larner about class, church and solidarity with people who are struggling against poverty. What might a 'just church' look like? What needs to change?""
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Luke LarnerConfounding the Mighty: Dreams for a Different Church
Join a panel of people who have lived experience of poverty, led by Luke Larner. How can we be church in a way that makes sure everyone can belong and have agency? How do we shift the power balance?
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Luke LarnerJust Worship
Join author Stef Benstead for the launch of her new book, in which she asks: what is God like, and how do we live lives that reflect God's character? Passionate about social justice and God's love...
Speaker(s): Trussell Trust, Stef BensteadField, Fork, Fashion
Exploring the true meaning of provenance, value and beauty, and how this must be a part of our decision making around the clothes we buy, the food we eat, and the farming and fibre systems we are all...
Speaker(s): Alice RobinsonThe Tears of Things
How do we live compassionately in times of violence and despair? The writings of the Jewish prophets may have an answer. In this session Richard Rohr will explore how walking the full path of the...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Richard Rohr, Martin WroeAI and Earthly Futures
What is the narrative of our destiny and who do we think controls it? A panel conversation drawing together the various strands of AI thinking from across the weekend. With Professor in Digital...
Speaker(s): Beth Singler, Chris Baker, Maggi Savin-Baden, Kester Brewin, William Temple FoundationBeing Human in an AI Age
ChatGPT and its AI siblings are the talk of the town – and the country. Anthropologist and professor of Digital Religions Dr Beth Singler explores whether religion is disrupted by AI, and how faith...
Speaker(s): Beth Singler, William Temple FoundationSoulful Nature: The Space In Which We Come To Life
Spirit + Matter = Soul. Yet so often the two have been torn apart. In this evocative session, Brian Draper reflects on why our soul stirs when we step outside, and how - through simple spiritual...
Speaker(s): Brian DraperFour Moves Through Doom
If you're feeling overwhelmed – and tempted by denial or despair, author and contemplative activist Brian McLaren proposes four moves to help you find life after a feeling of doom.
Speaker(s): Brian McLarenChurch Reparations For Slavery? Dream on!
In 2023/24 pilgrimages of church leaders in Jamaica and the UK met to advance conversations about reparations for the wrongs of slavery. Hear from these leaders as we explore how to face the past and...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Dr Robert Beckford, Dario SolanoFaith For The Climate? Dream on!
85% of the world's people identify with a religion, so how can religious communities around the world be a more powerful force for action on climate? We'll be joined by faith leaders in the UK...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Giles Goddard, Dr Shanon Shah, Rev Rachel MashNo White Saviours? Dream On!
Do we really care about tackling global poverty and injustice or is it just another part of our colonial, mission mindset? Join Christian Aid and friends as we wrestle with decolonising development...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Harvey Kwiyani, Peter Cruchley, Ann-Marie Agyeman, Bejoy Pal