A Takeaway for your heart and mind
The Greenbelt TakeAway is the new name for our vibrant exhibitors' street market. In the TakeAway you will find a fantastic array of charities and organisations to meet with, learn about and...
Akanksha Mehta
Akanksha Mehta is a lecturer in international relations at the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex. She teaches courses on gender, sexuality, race, postcolonial theory, and political...
Something for everyone : all-age programme
Jem Maynard-Watts (aka Thomas Trilby) takes a quick dip into just a few things on offer for children and families at Greenbelt...
Re-engaging with nature and climate change
A guest blog from our Associate USPG Climate change is not an easy topic to talk about, and when we do talk about it, it tends to provoke passionate reactions. However, we need to engage in these...
Sophie Sandor
Sophie Sandor is Programmes Manager at the IEA. Sophie tours UK schools, organising the IEA's sixth form economics conferences and other educational opportunities for school and university...
The People’s Gallery
Will you be part of the festival in a shed? The People's Gallery is an opportunity for all Greenbelter's – young or old; seasoned camper or festival newbie; mainstage performer or thoughtful...
URC asks: ‘Are you really welcome?’
A guest blog from Revd Craig Muir of our associate partner, United Reformed Church. ‘All Welcome' say church signs. Yet many will have stories of being ignored, barred, dismissed, dismayed....
What can you expect at the Exchange?
A guest blog from David Alcock, Head of Social Business at Anthony Collins Solicitors. The Exchange is one of three new venues Greenbelt is launching this year. What will you find there, and...
The Red Tent – the programme in store
The Red Tent is an old idea. But it's new at Greenbelt. Whenever we've programmed feminist content at the festival, there has been a huge appetite for it. Overlay that with what faith and its...
Amal – the programme in store
Amal @ Greenbelt is a new venue showcasing Muslim artistry, ideas, conversation and spirituality and curated for us by Chicago-based cultural producer Asad Ali Jafri. Building on our long history...
Citizens UK: workshopping for change
To work for The Common Good, we need to be organised. So, on the Monday of this year's festival, we've asked Citizens UK to lead a day of community organising workshops for us. Here's what you can...
Can we make poverty history while the poor are always with us?
A guest blog from our church media partner the Church Times Theologian Justin Thacker joins the Greenbelt Ideas programme this year. Here, he speaks to SCM Press editor David Shervington about...
Gren Bartley Trio
Gren Bartley is a prolific and exceptional songwriter. He is constantly touring and forever writing. 2015 saw the release of Gren's first full band based album on Fellside Recordings,...
Cash, climate change and the banks
A guest blog by our Partner Christian Aid What are the banks doing with your hard-earned cash? However much money you have in the bank, you can be sure they are investing it somewhere to make...
Luqman Ali
Luqman trained in the sciences of Islam and the languages (Arabic, Persian and Urdu) and cultures of the Middle East and the Subcontinent. In 1997, Luqman co-founded Khayaal, the first professional...