God and the Moneylenders: Inside the War on Wonga
In summer 2013 Archbishop Justin Welby captured the attention of the nation by declaring ‘war on Wonga'. Hear what has happened since, why it's important, and how you can get involved from...
Speaker(s): David BarclayIs Tax Avoidance the Greatest Barrier to a Fairer Society?
Following her performance, join theatremaker Caroline Horton and a panel of experts as they dig into the dirt around tax and tax avoidance. With Mike Truman, long-time Editor of Taxation Magazine;...
Speaker(s): David Haslam, Mike Truman, John ChristensenCurating the New Politics?
Faith groups are now seen as authentic and creative service providers in ‘austerity Britain'. Does their engagement create a new public space for raising political awareness? Professor Chris...
Speaker(s): Chris BakerThe Jihad Of Jesus – Part One
We are caught up in a cycle of so-called ‘holy wars'. But this is not inevitable: our religions can be a resource for overcoming conflict – if we understand the heart of all true religion as...
Speaker(s): Dave AndrewsThe Jihad Of Jesus – Part Two
Open-hearted, compassionate spirituality lets us reclaim jihad from extremists and reconsider Jesus, as he is in the Gospels: a strong-but-gentle Messianic figure who can bring Christians and Muslims...
Speaker(s): Dave AndrewsCreating Wow With Humility: Working with Artists to Celebrate Birmingham Cathedral’s 300th Birthday
Catherine Ogle and Orit Azaz explore the key questions they faced in devising an artistic vision and programme for a cathedral's tercentenary – one that inspires mass participation and is unique...
Speaker(s): Catherine Ogle, Orit AzazLeadership From The Margins
In conversation with Rachel Parry, hear the extraordinary story of how a young girl, growing up as a Dalit in a rural area, became the first female bishop in India. Bishop Pushpa Lalitha, against...
Speaker(s): Bishop Pushpa LalithaWhy Are We Still Locking People Up And Throwing Away The Key?
Our society sends lots of people to prison and often writes them off after release. They struggle to find homes, work and community. But could things be different, with no one unfairly disadvantaged...
Speaker(s): Catherine De SouzaInterfaith Relations
Speaker(s): Anjum Anwar
Inside: Reflections on the Prison System
Inside: Reflections on the Prison System Writer, presenter and human rights journalist Bidisha discusses her work in women's prisons and the sometimes blackly funny, sometimes heartbreaking stories...
Speaker(s): BidishaUtopiary for Beginners
Cohousing is a way of living that emphasises sharing and mutual support without sacrificing privacy. Residents share experiences of setting up a group, finding a site, designing houses, and what...
After the success of XLP's first X-Mobile recording studio, they are returning to Greenbelt with a brand new, never been used before, X-Mobile studio. The X-Mobile Project is an amazing youth...
Karen Rooms
Karen Rooms is the Canon Missioner at Leicester Cathedral with responsibility for developing the cathedral's social outreach, and Transition Priest in the Holy Spirit Parish Leicester. Karen...
Visual Arts for The Common Good
Greenbelt visual arts volunteer Rich Blake-Lobb takes a look at this year's Visual Arts Line-Up The visual arts programme doesn't just offer art to gaze upon, but encourages contributions,...
Simon Barrow
Simon Barrow is Director of the beliefs and ethics think Ekklesia and a member of the Iona Community. He was formerly Assistant General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and he...