A Thistle in a Field of Roses
Some perspectives on England from a frequent Scottish visitor, taking in issues like regionalisation and ‘Londonisation'. Once described in his denomination's magazine as looking like a...
Speaker(s): John BellSadaqa Day: putting faith into action
With a young and growing Muslim population alongside an established Christian community in Britain, is there scope for more social action work to be done together? Sadaqa Day is a day of social...
Speaker(s): Julie SiddiqiSyria – who are the good guys?
Is there an end in sight for the Syrian crisis, now in its fifth year? We are becoming numbed by the scale of the suffering. Are there any good guys? How can we as Christians make sense of it all? A...
Speaker(s): Jeremy MoodeyA Lot Like Eve
Pioneering chaplain to the world of fashion, Rev Joanna Jepson peels back the layers and explores how it is that fashion has the power to both enslave and liberate, and why it matters. Joanna Jepson...
Speaker(s): Joanna JepsonPursuing the Common Good
Christians need to leave behind tired debates about women and sexuality and deal with avoided issues like mental health, criminal justice and responsibly rearing children. Once described in his...
Speaker(s): John BellOn Helplessness
Looking at a range of thinkers from Augustine to Freud, Giles Fraser will argue that admitting our own fundamental helplessness is the first move of all morality. Giles Fraser is priest in charge of...
Speaker(s): Giles FraserWhere Are We Headed in Israel/Palestine? ‘Judaization’ and the Rise of the One-State Solution
Israel now effectively rules all of Israel/ Palestine, with the Palestinians of the Occupied Territories left permanently stateless. There seems to be only one option left – but what would a...
Speaker(s): Jeff HalperWar Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification
Palestine is being globalised. Do we see in Israel's occupation and ‘war on terrorism' in Palestine a microcosm of wider relations between the archipelago of the world's richest countries and...
Speaker(s): Jeff HalperWho are we to Judge?
Self-confessed finger-pointer Fraser Dyer considers how the followers of the one who taught, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged' got so judgmental. Has social media made us worse? And can we do...
Speaker(s): Fraser DyerThomas Merton today
Contemplative, poet-prophet, social critic, radical disciple. What is it about Thomas Merton, born 100 years ago, that captivates readers seeking to live deeprooted faith in a complex world? Gary...
Speaker(s): Gary HallClose Your Youth Group to Save Your Church
Despite lots of youth work, the church is still haemorrhaging young people. What if we took a different approach? Why not close your youth group and open an intergenerational group instead. Gemma...
Speaker(s): Gemma DunningNo Enclosed Garden: Thomas Traherne’s Boundless Innocence
In this session we will linger awhile with Traherne – poet of the Welsh Borders, lover of nature and people – to be enraptured together by his visions of boundless innocence, and wonder at how...
Speaker(s): Elizabeth S. DoddPlastic-free Lent
Wondering if their household waste lined up with their ethics, Siobhan and Emma decided to ditch all single-use, disposable plastics for Lent. Join them to tackle the problem of plastic pollution...
Speaker(s): Emma Anthony and Siobhan GrimesCaptialism’s Toxic Assumptions
The Credit Crunch, global recession, austerity and Grexit are widely touted as the 'morbid symptoms' of capitalism in collapse. The design assumptions that served it well are past their sell-by date,...
Speaker(s): Eve PooleGod and the Moneylenders: Inside the War on Wonga
In summer 2013 Archbishop Justin Welby captured the attention of the nation by declaring ‘war on Wonga'. Hear what has happened since, why it's important, and how you can get involved from...
Speaker(s): David Barclay