Albion Awakes? Re-Earthing Britain
Faced with a rising tide of psychological unease and stress, and an ongoing ecological crisis, it is time to fix the disconnect between people and nature in the UK. Is re-localising food and energy...
Speaker(s): Michael NorthcottWriting Collaboratively: The Teenage Prayer Experiment
Miranda and her teenage son Noah began The Teenage Prayer Experiment by blogging. So what happens when you challenge young people to experiment with prayer, and to write up their results as a...
Mona Siddiqui in conversation with Cole Moreton
One of the foremost Western Muslim scholars, Mona Siddiqui talks about her life journey as a Muslim woman academic in Britain. A much-celebrated voice in our culture, she applies a uniquely probing...
Speaker(s): Mona Siddiqui, Cole MoretonThe next generation will need to stop remote-controlled war
Drones have made the perfect blue skies of Afghanistan a fearful sight for children, with missiles fired at the press of a button thousands of miles away. Learn about them and the Fly Kites Not...
Speaker(s): Maya EvansFour Spiritual Weapons in the Activist’s Armoury: Redemption; Community; the Shadow; Archetypes
What is spiritual activism? The spiritual traditions offer tried and tested tools for taking on and ultimately redeeming the powers that be. Matt Carmichael explores four of them, using the stories...
Speaker(s): Matt CarmichaelReasons to Stay Alive
A moving, funny and joyous exploration of how to live better, love better and feel more alive, Reasons to Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on...
Speaker(s): Matt HaigThe Shed that Fed a Million Children
How a series of miraculous circumstances, coincidences, and an overwhelming display of ‘little acts of love' from all over the world may eliminate child hunger. Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow tells the...
Speaker(s): Magnus Macfarlane-BarrowAngels and Cyborgs
As the Christian vision of a new heaven and a new earth gets displaced by science fiction imaginings of technological utopias, what does this shift from angels to cyborgs tell us about being human in...
Speaker(s): Marika RoseThe Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age
Marina shares some of the amazing stories from her new book about her work with The Forgiveness Project – with the chance to join in discussion. Marina is an award-winning journalist and founder...
Speaker(s): Marina CantacuzinoDear Straight People – a manifesto for change
Since coming out during a sermon in 2006, Kelvin Holdsworth has been an activist for gay rights in the church and beyond. He believes the battle against faith-based homophobia can be won if straight...
Speaker(s): Kelvin HoldsworthRead the Bible With Your Feet
Reading the Bible isn't always easy. How do we deal with the bits we wish weren't there – and dig for ‘a pearl of great price' instead? Reading not only with our eyes but with our feet...
Speaker(s): Lucy WinkettLife doesn’t come with a pretty bow
Long term suffering is rarely spoken about in church yet is a constant narrative for Bible characters. Katharine Welby-Roberts lives with long term mental health problems and thinks we should talk...
Speaker(s): Katharine Welby-RobertsPrimania: Who’s paying for your clothes?
Fast fashion. The age of Primark. When you buy a T-shirt for £2 who is really paying the price? The Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Bangladesh showed it's time for a fashion revolution....
Speaker(s): Katherine Maxwell-RoseThe Vicar of Gogglebox
A wedding dance video clip goes viral and suddenly the Rev Kate Bottley is starring on primetime Channel 4. She talks us through her experiences and wonders if all this telly stuff is an unexpected...
Speaker(s): Kate BottleyA Vocabulary for Pain
Reclaiming the unique Jewish-Christian tradition of lament as an antidote to upset, anger, depression and bewilderment, both at an individual and a corporate level. Once described in his...
Speaker(s): John Bell