In Defence of Idleness
Not everything can be measured. Why rest and time off are crucial to Christian faith and why people's importance is not about what they produce or do. Sarah Farrimond is a curate in the CofE and...
Speaker(s): Sarah FarrimondConfessions of a part-time author
At Greenbelt 2013, Simon gave an exclusive reading from his third Itch book, Itchcraft. This year, six months away from his next novel's publication, he's back. The book is called Blame, but...
Speaker(s): Simon MayoA Confident Society Should Encourage People to Opt Out
Writing a novel about a future where corporations run Britain and survival depends on social media popularity made Stephen Oram wonder: If the state created the opportunity for you to opt out, would...
Speaker(s): Stephen OramThou shalt not be overcome: LGBT people, our allies, and the Christian church
Human sexuality is a subject that fascinates and preoccupies the Church. What are the implications of this on LGBT people and our friends and families who are often witness to, but rarely...
Speaker(s): Ruth HuntJesus Crucified Himself, So You Don’t Have To
How do we spend ourselves on behalf of the poor and hungry without needing to check in to The Priory? Sara Hyde is gradually learning the truth that she knows the saviour of the world, but isn't...
Speaker(s): Sara HydeOn Guerrilla Gardening
You could almost describe Richard Reynolds as the Banksy of the gardening world – just replace the spray can with a trowel. He (literally) wrote the book on guerilla gardening. Be inspired to sow a...
Speaker(s): Richard ReynoldsThe Gospel According to William
Suppose we had no Bible. Suppose we only had the works of Shakespeare. Would we be able to find our way to Christian salvation from what we discover in his 38 plays and 156 poems? Peter Graystone is...
Speaker(s): Peter GraystoneJudas: Who Was He Really?
Peter Stanford deconstructs that most vilified of Bible characters: Judas Iscariot. An essential but doomed character in the Passion narrative, and thus the entire story of Christianity, was Judas...
Speaker(s): Peter StanfordCredo and Capes: What Comic Books Can Tell Us About Our Religious Lives
From superhero comics (including the first Muslim woman Marvel superhero) to complex graphical novels, comic books open up the possibility of imagined journeys to encounter other religions, cultures...
Speaker(s): Rae HancockPope Francis: the Struggle for the Soul of Catholicism
Paul Vallely lays bare the intrigue and in-fighting surrounding Francis's attempt to cleanse the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank, reveals what's preventing the church from tackling the sex abuse...
Speaker(s): Paul VallelyCuriosity: Better for Christians than for Cats?
Curiosity is not always considered a virtue. Yet without it, Moses would not have turned aside at the burning bush and RS Thomas, in The Bright Field, says he missed his ‘pearl of great price'. A...
Speaker(s): Paula GooderGlimpsing Glory: Seeing God in the Everyday
In this talk we will be celebrating all things ordinary – and reflecting on how the God we encounter in the Bible is most often to be glimpsed in the most ordinary of situations, with the most...
Speaker(s): Paula GooderAnimism: Common Ground where Christians and Pagans Meet
‘Animists understand the world is filled with persons, only some of whom are human, and that life is lived in relationship with others' (Graham Harvey). Noel Moules believes this is also...
Speaker(s): Noel MoulesJesus and Wild Nature
While comfortable in the city, Jesus was a wilderness person. In this talk we reflect on his call to a deep personal connection with the sacredness of all things – and what it means in practical...
Speaker(s): Noel MoulesHello to the World
Pádraig Ó Tuama has spent 20 years trying to say hello. Join him for this session of prose and poetry as he reads from his latest book and continues greeting what is beautiful, what is true and...
Speaker(s): Pádraig Ó Tuama