The Splash of Words: Believing in Poetry
The sense that poetry is a soul-language is felt deep down, particularly for those of faith, but we distractedly click our devices for more facts instead. How do we save ourselves from the curse of...
Speaker(s): Mark OakleyMissing Women
As a twelve-month spiritual discipline, John Bell is reading only chapters of the Bible which refer to women. He will lead us to ponder together why so many of them are totally unknown by males and...
Speaker(s): John BellArchbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in conversation
Greenbelt trustee and vicar of Gogglebox Kate Bottley gets to ask her boss the questions. What's it really like being the Archbishop of Canterbury? How do you manage the stresses and strains? How...
Speaker(s): Kate BottleyAccidental Saints
What if, even in our persistent failings, holy moments are waiting to happen? Nadia Bolz-Weber explores the power and promise of vulnerability, uncovering the unlikely wholeness we find when we speak...
Speaker(s): Nadia Bolz-WeberStudent Christianity? – Is there another way?
Student Christianity is still dominated by theologically conservative groups and big ‘student churches', but research suggests this is not meeting the needs of Christian students. The small local...
Speaker(s): Student Christian MovementSoil, Soul, Society
Human aspirations have often been expressed in trinities. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité. Mind, Body and Spirit. Now, Soil, Soul, Society is a new trinity, inspiring us...
Speaker(s): Satish KumarThe Jews Are Here
With Rachel Rose Reid, Lindsey Taylor Gutharz, Rabbi Jonathan Wittenburg and Rachel Godfrey Concluding our afternoon short-talk explorations into the beliefs and motivations of a different faith we...
Speaker(s): Rachel Rose Reid, Rabbi Jonathan WittenbergDoes The Way We Talk About Religious Persecution Matter?
Christians in places like Iraq, Pakistan and Nigeria are reporting a rise in religious persecution, in the wider context of Islamic extremism and anti-Islamic attacks in Europe. How can the church...
Speaker(s): Grace Pengelly“The Muslims are Coming! The Muslims are Coming!
No religion causes greater consternation and provokes more questions than Islam. There's so much we don't “get” about Islam and there's a lot we don't know about its roots and impact....
Speaker(s): Abdul-Rehman MalikFaithfully Feminist: Why we stay
It is a common question asked of women who claim a feminist identity, membership in a particular religious tradition, and practise their faith in spite of gendered challenges. Hear the stories of...
Speaker(s): Julie Siddiqi, Catriona RobertsonAfter Bowie and Prince
With the untimely deaths of Prince and David Bowie, is the age of rock stars as avatars of our better selves, pointing to a world of possibility all over? Is all we're left with nostalgia and...
Speaker(s): Steve LawsonLemn Sissay In conversation
Come and hear poet Lemn Sissay in conversation with Martin Wroe on his life as a child in care and now as Chancellor of Manchester University and one of the nation's best-loved poets. His sense of...
Speaker(s): Lemn SissayGungor In Conversation
Michael and Lisa Gungor, part of the driving force behind the progressive US Liturgists movement and wonderful music artists, get to share about their life and work and motivations with Martyn...
Speaker(s): Gungor, Martyn JosephGrace Wroe
Grace grew up at Greenbelt. Since graduating in social policy from Bristol University she has worked in a centre for vulnerable women in King's Cross, London and is now a Restorative Justice...
Christina Welch
Christina is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Winchester, where she leads the masters degree in Death, Religion and Culture; a distance learning programme. A Religious Studies scholar,...