Uplifting the poor
The failure of political leaders to help uplift the poor will be judged a moral failure.” Jim Wallis. Well, politicians are one thing, but consider the role of those of faith – are we uplifting...
Speaker(s): Alison Inglis-JonesThe Real Moana: Waves of God’s Embrace
The integrity of our existence on planet earth is totally bound up with our attitude towards and treatment of creation. This symbiotic relationship within creation, where the earth, air and oceans...
Speaker(s): Most Revd Dr Winston HalapuaYoung church leaders are leading now not tomorrow
Many church leaders talk about nurturing the youth as they will be the leaders of tomorrow, but the youth of tomorrow will no longer be the youth! Hear about the church in Polynesia where youth are...
Speaker(s): USPG, Most Revd Dr Winston HalapuaThe Second Curve
90-year-old organisational and management guru Charles Handy discusses the changes ahead for all of us in life, work and everything. Future thinking at its best. Regularly cited as one of the...
Speaker(s): Charles HandyFinding the Sacred in Harry Potter
The Harry Potter books and films have been formative for a generation of young adults - and for the parents and grandparents who read alongside them. Greg draws sacred themes of community,...
Speaker(s): Greg GarrettExchange ideas: More stories of enterprise for the common good
Communities are taking the lead on food, on keeping children safe, and on using assets for The Common Good. Come and hear how! With Jonny Gordon-Fairleigh, Stir to Action, Daily Bread Co-op, and...
Speaker(s): David AlcockParable and Paradox
Malcolm Guite explores poems he has written on the sayings of Jesus, along with a sneak preview of his soon to be published book Love, Remember. Poet-priest Malcolm Guite is chaplain of Girton...
Speaker(s): Malcolm GuiteEurope: a Nun’s Eye View
Spanish Benedictine theologian and activist Teresa Forcades casts her keen eye over the state of Europe's political, economic and religious affairs in the light of Brexit and the lurch to the...
Speaker(s): Teresa Forcades i VilaTeresa Forcades i Vila in conversation with Martin Wroe
Most often described as “Europe's most radical nun”, come and hear more about the life and devotion of Sister Teresa Forcades i Vila from Barcelona. By turns a trained physician and theologian...
Speaker(s): Teresa Forcades i VilaThe Ethics of the Zombie Apocalypse
Greg posits that Zombie Apocalypse narratives like The Road and The Walking Dead can help post-9/11 westerners – living in a world full of menace and fear – make meaning and teach us how to live...
Speaker(s): Greg GarrettWhat we talk about when we talk about faith, doubt, hope & love
Scribbling fieldnotes for living a good life and drawing on their forthcoming book The 95, longterm Greenbelters Malcolm Doney and Martin Wroe wonder if there's another way of talking about all...
Speaker(s): Malcolm Doney, Martin Wroe, The 95Queer Virtue: The Power of Queerness to Reform and Revitalise Christian Faith
Authentic Christianity is and must be Queer." That is Liz Edman's provocative premise. She argues that queerness is a lens that can help all of us better understand and navigate an authentic...
Speaker(s): Elizabeth EdmanHow to talk about Israel/ Palestine without getting your knickers in a twist
When it comes to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, feelings on both sides of the divide run high. Accusations are flung like confetti with words like war-crimes and antisemitism peppering the...
Gentle Protest: how gentleness can be a powerful tool in activism.
Sarah Corbett will share ways that we upturn our idea of power: encouraging those in power, listening to those we disagree with, intriguing not preaching, being critical not aggressive. Gentleness...
Speaker(s): Sarah CorbettA spoonful of craft helps the activism go down
If we want our world to be beautiful, kind and just then shouldn't our activism be too? Sarah Corbett will explain how craft can help us make our world more beautiful, kind and just, one stitch at...
Speaker(s): Sarah Corbett