A Spirited Neighbourhood: Connecting Church and Community
The recent responses to terror and disaster show community spirit to be alive and well. Yet beyond a crisis, disabled and vulnerable people still face many barriers to community life. How can...
Speaker(s): LivabilityThe Boy Who Gave His Heart Away
Cole Moreton tells the deeply moving, true story of a life saved by a heart transplant, the unusual bond between two mothers that followed, and explores the emotional and spiritual issues around...
Speaker(s): Cole MoretonThe Middle East: Descent into Chaos?
The birthplace of Christianity was a region that modelled peaceful coexistence for centuries. But descent into chaos and war has meant marginalisation, oppression and cleansing of the Christian...
Speaker(s): Peter OborneTurning the Moneychangers’ Tables? The Rise of Rentierism
Rentierism – the use of pre-existing assets (debt, cars, mobile phones, wifi) to effortlessly extract financial gains from those who do not own them – is the new face of exploitative capitalism....
Speaker(s): Ann PettiforExchange ideas: Stories for enterprise for the common good – houses and homes
How can different communities take control of their energy requirements or their housing needs? Hear from a community energy provider and a student housing co-operative.Featuring Paul Phare from...
Speaker(s): Cliff MillsA Spirituality for The Common Good
What kind of spiritual practice helps us work for The Common Good? How does our prayer guide us to discern how to use our gifts and sustain our engagement? Where might we find joy in the midst of...
Speaker(s): Kate MonkhouseI was hungry and thirsty, were you there?
For years, Jack Monroe has been campaigning for those so poor in our society that they are voiceless and invisible. Then came the Grenfell Tower fire and suddenly the country woke up to what we're...
Speaker(s): Jack Monroe(The Great) War as a Crisis in Masculinity and Muscular Christianity
Starting with the First World War, Rachel Mann examines how much the church has bought into the glory of war, blithely putting Jesus in combats. How much is war a product of toxic masculinity and...
Speaker(s): Rachel MannExchange inspiration: How can a business be values led?
Is business incompatible with moral values? How can a commercial business be values-led? With Ed Mayo, Secretary General, Co-operatives UK, David Alcock, Head of Social Business at Anthony Collins...
Speaker(s): Ed Mayo, David AlcockIntroduction to Hot House: What makes for a good debate?
Looking past the 'Punch and Judy' of Westminster politics, which understandably turns us off from the idea of debate and argument, our asosiates Winchester University take us back to what good...
Speaker(s): Winchester University, Neil MesserFacing Down. Facing Up. Facing Out.
When Saffiyah Khan faced down an angry EDL protestor in Birmingham earlier this year, armed with nothing more than a smile, little did she know that her simple yet defiant gesture and act of...
Christian-Muslim Storytelling: Stories of Shared Faith and History
· Flight to Abyssinia. How the Negus, a Christian king, granted safe haven to the first Muslim community.· The Sultan and The Saint. The story of St Francis and Sultan Al-Kamil of Egypt against the...
Speaker(s): Christian-Muslim Storytelling: Stories of shared faith from history presented by Khayaal TheatreMore In Common: How an act designed to drive a community apart, brought it together
When Jo Cox became the first sitting MP to be murdered in her constituency for more than 25 years – in the days just before the EU Referendum in June 2016 – the country was shocked to its core....
Speaker(s): Kim Leadbeater, Fakhara Rehman, Revd Mark UmplebyThe Second Curve
Charles Handy discusses the changes ahead for life, work and everything. In this follow-up to his morning talk in The Little Big Top, this is your chance to dig into Charles' ideas around "The Second...
Speaker(s): Charles HandyWhy Culture Matters
Abid Hussain (Arts Council), Syima Aslam (Bradford Litfest), Luqman Ali (Khayaal Theatre), Randa Ghazy (Writer / Producer) A conversation on the importance of culture, cultural leadership and the...
Speaker(s): Abid Hussain, Syima Aslam, Christian-Muslim Storytelling: Stories of shared faith from history presented by Khayaal Theatre, Randa Ghazy, Asad Ali Jafri, Luqman Ali