Here’s what we’re hearing
We're beginning to pore through the feedback you gave us in our post-festival survey. Thanks! Almost 1,500 of you completed the questions for us. And it's always so incredible and helpful working...
The Top 10 Reads from #gb17
Our Christian media partner Church Times reveals your Top Ten Reads from #gb17 ... Drumroll please ... from G-Books (the festival bookshop), here are the ten best-selling books at Greenbelt this...
Chine McDonald
Vice-chair of Trustees Chine McDonald is vice-chair of Greenbelt. In her day job, she's Director of Theos - the religion and society think tank. She was previously Head of Community Fundraising and...
9 ways to hang on to that festival feeling
The Greenbelt weekend – with its reams of talks, art and conversation – can be a pretty mind-altering, life-changing experience. But even the most intense experiences fade over time as summer...
The contemplative organiser: developing a spirituality of action
Community organising is rooted in multiple traditions, and inseparable from their spiritual practices. In this workshop, we explore how contemplation can nurture action, and how organising should...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKTransforming your church, changing the world: using community organising to reinvigorate your congregation to work for the common good
Learn from two people who know it works! Revd Keith Hebden and Revd Canon Angus Ritchie share their first-hand experiences of using community organising to build congregations that are passionate –...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKCommunion: Bring a Body
Gather from 10am for our annual festival communion service. All are welcome. This year's communion service – entitled “Bring a Body” is designed to reflect and celebrate how radically...
Speaker(s): Fischy MusicLooking for a Living Wage: How to run a Living Wage campaign in your area
The Living Wage campaign started in our very first community alliance in East London in 2001. In this session we share the tried-and-tested organising methods that root this national campaign in...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKA different kind of power: what does power have to do with theology, and why does it matter for community organising?
Power. This hotly-debated, sometimes keenly avoided, concept is central to community organising. We share the secret – and the theological basis – of a power based on relationships, not...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKThe real art of the deal: negotiating for the common good
Want your MP to change their mind on your issue? Looking for a living wage commitment from a local business? Our role-play scenarios will put you in the hot seat, on both sides of the table,...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKBusiness as usual?
Almost 10 years on from the financial crash of 2008 and the resulting longest, deepest recession in living memory, it seems like the banks, the financial institutions (and those of us who use them,...
Speaker(s): Ann Pettifor, Vivian WoodellHot House: Religion leads to violence. It always has and always will
Since 9/11, and stretching back centuries before, the worst atrocities committed against humanity have been motivated by religious conviction and difference. And things don't seem to be getting...
Speaker(s): Salma Yaqoob, Clive Stafford Smith, Sahar Vardi, Origami with Lisa-Raine HuntWelcoming the stranger: a guide to community sponsorship of refugees
Want to support and welcome refugees coming to the UK? Learn how your congregation can take part in the community sponsorship programme championed by Citizens UK. With Neil Jameson, Citizens UK's...
Speaker(s): Citizens UKIsrael / Palestine: No Fit State
Two State? One State? Not fit state? What hope is there for a just peace in Israel-Palestine, when the world (and Israel) seems so content with the status quo? And might the brazenness of Trump...
Speaker(s): Peter Oborne, Robert Cohen, Sahar Vardi, Muhanad Al Qaisy, Karen ChalkAll welcome! (Terms and conditions apply)
Jesus invited everyone to the feast, but the Church does not open its doors equally wide to everyone. Are we getting better? What is it like to be made unwelcome by Church? How can we change things...
Speaker(s): United Reformed Church, Rachel Mann, Savi Hensman, Niall Cooper