Margaret Hebblethwaite
Margaret Hebblethwaite is an author, journalist and theologian, with experience in Ignatian retreat-giving, biblical teaching to students, prison work, and English teaching to the rural poor in Latin...
Girls with Drills
#GIRLSWITHDRILLS IS FIGHT FOR INCLUSIVITY We think making stuff is too much fun for any child to be excluded. So we're doing something about it. We both love inventing and making. More important...
Not in my name
A guest blog from our associate Oasis Join the campaign to stop reactionary leaders speaking on behalf of Christianity. This year at Greenbelt, Oasis will help people demonstrate their support for...
Putting the protest back in Protestant
A blog from Sam Walton of our associate Quakers in Britain As a person of faith, my first loyalty must be to God's purposes, to act on conscience even when it is not easy. But I'm not a Quaker...
Richard Havardi
Richard is a passionate plant based eater with many valuable years of experience in the hospitality industry as a chef, caterer and restaurant owner. He opened NAMA Foods almost 6 years ago, as the...
Joel Baker
Joel Baker fell in love with London club culture as a teenager, started DJing and hasn't looked back since. At Greenbelt he's done it all; warming up for headliners on the mainstage, silent...
DJPC's love of otherworldly electronic sounds began as a young lad in Leeds when he experienced his local community radio stations playing the emerging house sound from the U.S in the late...
Ben Solanky
Ben is the Director and Co-Founder of the charity Empathy Action. He's worked in the charity sector for over 20 years. He started out by asking companies to give their surplus products for aid work...
Josienne Clarke and Samantha Whates are the dual front women of PicaPica who create powerful harmonies atop layers of texture created by Adam Beattie & Sonny Johns, a tiding of magpies picking shiny...
Matti Hemmings
Matti Hemmings is a Professional Flatland BMX rider and 3 x Guinness world Record holder. He competes in international competitions, plans and hosts extreme sports events and performs shows at the...
Tony Cealy
Tony is a drama and theatre practitioner, trainer and activist for social and behavioural change, including in the criminal justice system. He has won contracts developing drama-based responses to...
The Twitnits is a collective of improvisers based in Sussex, performing musicals and sketches inspired by audience suggestions since 2011. They have run a regular comedy night in Brighton and...
void_null is a collaboration between music producer Ian Oakley and visual artist James Ward. Exploring the space where audio and visual combine to create immersive live experiences. Their 35 min...
Siobhan Donnelly
Siobhan Donnelly is a singer, writer and community artist from Cumbria, via Huddersfield. Growing up, Siobhan always loved folk music and singing and still can't quite believe she now gets to do...
Spurgeons Childrens Charity
Young children can teach us a lot about freeing and fostering our imagination ‒ something that happens all day long in the Greenbelt Play Tent! There'll be some extra activities in the Play...