Trump Trumps All
The old adage says that we get the politicians we deserve. So, if 80% of white evangelicals in the USA voted for Trump, what does that tell us about the Jesus they believe in? As Jim Wallis and...
Speaker(s): Peterson Toscano, Matthew David Morris, Broderick GreerImage and Imagination: Divine and Human Creativity
What does it mean to be made in the imagination of a Creator God, and how might our imaginations help us sound the mystery of God's love? Malcolm uses golden moments from English poetry as a...
Speaker(s): Malcolm GuiteScience and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum
If you believe the news, you'd think that science and religion are locked in eternal conflict. Religious believers are often portrayed as irrational and dangerously "anti-science" . But beyond the...
The Truth About Poverty
What is the truth about poverty in the UK? Forget the stereotypes, the myths and the media hype. This is your chance to hear - and to share - the unadulterated truth about poverty. Members of Poverty...
We will fight it on the streets, in parliament, in the courts…
With Sam Bright from Client Earth, Friends of the Earth CEO Craig Bennett and Quaker performance artist and activist Peterson Toscano. What is the best way for us to tackle climate change? Through...
Speaker(s): Craig Bennett, Sam Bright, Peterson ToscanoCommunion: Windrush and Carnival
When the "Windrush generation" arrived in the UK in 1948 they found themselves excluded from much of the social and economic life of Britain. Many experienced horrific racial violence and injustice....
Speaker(s): Winnie Varghese, Soul Sanctuary Gospel ChoirThe Gender Agenda
With Steve Chalke, Claire Birkenshaw and Toby Draper. This panel discussion will explore the lived experience of transgender people and consider the theology of gender identity, reassignment and...
Speaker(s): Steve ChalkePutting the Protest back in Protestant
With Dan Woodhouse, Holly-Anna Peterson, Susan Clarkson and Symon Hill Exploring how a Christian faith can call us to be to be tutted at, to be disruptive, and even to break the law. Chaired by...
Speaker(s): Quaker Meeting for WorshipSun City to Tel Aviv: does cultural boycott work?
Does cultural boycott work as part of a strategy of resistance? From Sun City in South Africa to Tel Aviv in Israel today, what does it mean to refuse to perform in these locations? Hear from artists...
Speaker(s): Pussy Riot in residence, Garth Hewitt, Phoebe RisonGrenfell: Faith, Community and Justice
With Jacqui Haynes, Chair of Lancaster West Residents Association, Eunicia Harding, local youth worker, Cllr Portia Thaxter, local resident Fatima Elguenuni and Lowkey. A panel of local residents and...
Speaker(s): LowkeyLife at the intersections: What is intersectionality and why is it important?
Intersectionality has become a buzzword, but what does it mean in practice? Hear a panel of people living life at the intersections share about how having intersecting marginalised identities impacts...
Speaker(s): Shani Dhanda, Broderick GreerPassion or pragmatism? Making trade fair(er) in Brexit Britain
Big business has been investing heavily in ethical trade, making big claims about its social and environmental impact. But poverty and human rights abuses remain widespread in the fields and...
But I’m not racist! Am I?
Winnie Varghese, Broderick Greer, Prof. Anthony Reddie At the end of a festival with more programming around racial inclusion and racial justice than ever, a panel of contributors of colour talk...
Speaker(s): Winnie Varghese, Broderick Greer, Anthony ReddieFound Out: transgressive faith and sexuality
Our sexuality is key to our identity, wellbeing, and faith journey. In this creative workshop we will reflect together on how we see God and what that means for ourselves and for our relationships,...
Speaker(s): Alison WebsterFrack-Free Future – How we’re stopping Fracking in the UK
Quakers together with Friends of the Earth Communities around the country are resisting fracking (and other fossil fuel extraction) on their doorsteps - and they're winning. As national support for...