Blessed are the Pink-Vested Peacemakers
How can we become peacemakers? In the Philippines, the church's radical mission of accompaniment and solidarity is landing its Bishops in jail, but it's also shining a light on the unjust...
Speaker(s): Father Chris AblonFather Chris Ablon
Father Chris is a priest and core group member of the Philippine Ecumenical Peace Platform, working on peace processes and conflict transformation.
Samana was realised in the heart of an Austrian forest surrounding a secret lake 3000 meters above sea level, during a journey the pair undertook across the natural wildernesses and distant cities of...
Protective presence in Palestine
A number of Greenbelters have at spent time in Palestine and Israel with the Quaker-run EAPPI project, observing, providing a presence, and helping Palestinians go about their daily life. Here, a...
Riot Days – Speaking Truth to Power
A guest blog from our Partner Christian Aid Pussy Riot headlined Greenbelt 2018 with the live show of Masha's book, “Riot Days”. It's a powerful piece which dramatises Masha's account of...
Who are we working with this year?
Each year at Greenbelt we are reminded that we are better together; that if we want to walk a long way, then it's good to make the journey with others. So, in a spirit of partnership, here's a...
A Greenerbelt
Greenbelt has just gone an even more beautiful shade of green. Once again A Greener Festival has awarded us Highly Commended for our work making the festival as sustainable as we can. You'll know...
We’re making a list….
Christmas is coming and, with so many good things available from Greenbelt friends, we thought we'd give you some top tips for Greenbelt-y gifts. Greenbelt, by Malak Mattar 19 year-old Malak...
Be a peacemaker this Christmas
A guest blog from our partner Christian Aid Will you be a peacemaker by supporting Christmas Aid – our Christmas Appeal to help people recovering from conflict worldwide? Violence...
The Power of Love
An hour-long audio recording of Bishop Michael Curry in conversation with Cole Moreton at Southwark Cathedral on Monday 29 October 2019. Bishop Curry was in the UK to launch his new book, The Power...
Wit and Wisdom – some initial theme thoughts
As we approach our earlybird deadline, Paul Northup, Greenbelt's Creative Director, shares some initial thoughts on Greenbelt's theme for 2019, Wit and Wisdom. Wit is a different way of seeing...
Christian Aid: Campaign update
A blog from our partner Christian Aid As the autumn nights draw in Greenbelt 2018 is starting to seem like a distant memory for many of us. Christian Aid had an amazing time and we were delighted...
Room for More: Quaker Week leads to Quaker year!
A guest blog from Gill Sewell of our associate Quakers in Britain Did you visit the ResisTENT venue during Greenbelt 2018? If so, you'll have met some Quakers and maybe heard something about...
One body: We’re all in this together
A blog from Natalie Gibbs, our associate partner URC's Youth Moderator-elect Those of us who are fortunate enough to have been to Greenbelt Festival will understand what I mean when I say that...
G-Books: Your top pics from #gb18
A guest blog by our lovely friends at Church House Bookshop who run G-Books, our onsite book shop... We hope you've returned from Greenbelt refreshed and with somewhere drier to curl up with one...