Mass for Hard Times
Among the original inspirations for the King/Cave Project was the Thomas Mass, a Nordic worship concept first celebrated in Helsinki in 1988. At the Thomas Mass's heart are prayer, welcome and...
MIRI's distinctive soft, smoky and gritty tones with thought provoking heartfelt lyrics present pop songs that speak fluent indie. She has received radio airplay on BBC 6 Music, Radio DIVA, BBC...
Ellen Jones
Ellen is an award-winning campaigner, writer and digital content creator whose work focuses on LGBTQ+ rights, mental health, disability rights, and feminist issues. In November, Ellen won the...
Erin Bolens
Erin is a poet and performer from Leeds who writes from places of observation, exasperation and celebration. Erin's first collection 'Alternate Endings' has been recently published by Burning Eye...
Fred Apps
Fred has spent many years in advertising and publishing , illustrating many children's books. He has had a number of local exhibitions, one of which has been running for over a year in Plaistow...
Bishop Stephen Cottrell
Stephen Cottrell is the Bishop of Chelmsford, serving Essex and East London. He is a member of the Church of England's Committee for Minority Ethnic Concerns, Bishop Protector for the Society of...
Andrew Graystone
Andrew is a middle-aged, middle class, white Christian man who was brought up not to make a fuss. He is also a storyteller and a Greenbelt regular. He is a writer, journalist, teacher, broadcaster...
Chainska Brassika
This mischievous rabble from London have been causing mischief since school, spreading their contagious horn driven ska anthems across the UK, mainland Europe and beyond. On 24th November 2017 the...
Dan Tomlinson
Dan Tomlinson is a Research & Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation, a think-tank that works to improve the living standards of families on low-to-middle incomes in the UK. He's an expert...
Darn It! Workshops
Kim Searle graduated from the University of Huddersfield BA Textile Crafts course in 2012 after specialising in Printmaking with an emphasis on creative work within communities. Since leaving...
Hand-picked… and nearly here
One of the joys of putting together our hand-picked, handmade festival is seeing the programme come together as August approaches. We've been carefully assembling our biggest, boldest bill yet this...
Small acts of rebellion
We live in unprecedented times. And it seems only right that, in spotlighting the concerns we have as a festival around issues like climate emergency, migration, UK poverty and inequality and...
The power of young voices
A guest blog from Reuben Watt, associate partner the United Reformed Church (URC) Youth Assembly Moderator-elect, on the power of young people in the world... Greta Thunberg and Louis Braille are...
Letters of defiance, letters of hope
A blog from our associate partner CSW... ‘Separate me from my wife and children, ruin my reputation, destroy my life and my family – the authorities are capable of doing all of these things....
Fuel for the Journey
Space to Breathe (S2B) is returning to Greenbelt this summer to bring their own unique brand of arts, spirituality and wellbeing to the festival. Here, Andy Freeman of S2B shares a little more...