CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) is a Christian human rights organisation advocating for freedom of religion or belief around the world. The right to freedom of religion or belief is also known...
Winchester University
Founded in 1840, the University of Winchester offers undergraduate and postgraduate study on a range of subjects within the arts, humanities, social sciences, business, law, sport, education, and...
Christians Against Poverty
At Christians Against Poverty (CAP UK), we won't sit back and let poverty destroy lives. We're a UK-wide charity that equips local churches with the tools and expertise to support people in their...
YMCA is the largest and the oldest charity working with young people in the world. We focus on young people and help them play an active and fulfilling role within their communities. We call this a...
Citizens UK
Citizens UK is a people power alliance of diverse local communities working together for the common good. Our mission is to develop leaders, strengthen civic organisations and make change. Citizens...
Livability is the disability charity that connects people with their communities. The charity tackles social isolation and the barriers that can cause this in the lives of disabled and vulnerable...
Modern Church
Founded in 1898, now in its 120th year, Modern Church is committed to a liberal theology that says that religious thought and practice must develop in the light of new insights. Its aim is to stop...
Molly Boot
Trustee Molly is a theologian, musician, and Church of England Curate, currently based in rural Gloucestershire. They're very enthusiastic about a lot of things, including music, prayer, LGBTQ+...
Sam Calver
Sam Calver is a singer/songwriter/producer based in East Sussex.
Sweetcornbread have deep and diverse musical roots that go back over 20 years of playing together, with a core writing duo who have been close friends from birth. They blend vocal harmonies over...
Turiya is a Sanskrit word, meaning a state of pure consciousness, and in subtler terms, the silence one experiences after sound. It forms the inspiration for T U R Y A's name. Born Nicki...
Neelam Saredia-Brayley
Neelam Saredia-Brayley is a spoken word poet who writes about gender, culture, identity and sexuality. She works with illustrators and musicians to create multi-disciplinary pieces that are unique...
Medley Arts
Helen is a seasoned Greenbelter who has been making enamel jewellery and running workshops for over 15 years. Her original inspiration came from trying out enamelling at Greenbelt!
Kettering Town Football Club Youth Academy
Kettering Town Football Club ‘Youth Academy' and ‘Poppies in the Community' provides football for all genres across the community. We are a chartered standard club. We provide coaching and...
Liz Lawrence
Moments of self-awareness were the germs of the ideas of what would become Pity Party, Lawrence's first album in seven years. Through a combination of personal experience and exploring what is...