Bread, wine and lego. The Greenbelt 2016 Communion Service
At Greenbelt we like to try new things – especially when it comes to worship. Gathering thousands of people together in a single act of worship is always going to bring new experiences (and...
Panels conversations and debates at Greenbelt 2016
Greenbelt is a great space in which to hear different perspectives on an issue. Here's a summary of the panel debates and conversations on offer at the festival this year.SCRAP THE CHURCH?With Nadia...
SCM@Greenbelt 2016: Discover some student stars!
A guest blog from associate partners, SCM.Here at SCM we're really excited about our eclectic mix of worship, workshops and panel discussions at Greenbelt 2016. We've prepared a space to just...
#BlackLivesMatter at Greenbelt 2016
As well as our thread of refugee programming at Greenbelt this August (see the blog here), we will be looking at what Black Lives Matter means on both sides of the Atlantic, too.With our Sunday night...
Greenbelt Communion 2016
Laugh: noun chuckle, giggle, snigger, hoot, snort, cackle, chortle, guffaw, titterLaughter is an equal opportunities activity. We all do it: children and adults, beggars and kings. Time and again...
escargot theatre presents 1127
Escargot theatre explores the world and how we can inspire debate and change that world, using arts as a platform.
New lineup announcements, April 15 2016
Adding to the lineup announced so far for Greenbelt 2016, here are a handful of great music and speaker names.MusicJoining returning festival favourites Beth Rowley, Danni Nicholls, Gaz...
Music headliners for Greenbelt 2016
We're excited about the music headliners we have booked for this year's festival. And, while music headliners aren't the be all and end all of a Greenbelt Festival, we thought we'd tell you a bit...
The Michael Ramsey prize – to be presented by Archbishop Justin Welby at Greenbelt 2016
The Archbishop of Canterbury will be with us at Greenbelt this summer – to present the Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing.The shortlist was announced at the Bloxham Festival last weekend....
2014 Lineup
2016 Lineup
From Sunday night headliners Nahko and Medicine for the People to the avant garde vaudeville of Bourgeois and Maurice and from radical economist Paul Mason to comedian and activist Josie Long through...
2015 Lineup
AGF Award for Green Comms
We attended the 2025 International A Greener Future Awards. The competition was stiff. Finalists included 34 events and venues from 14 countries, with nine awards being dished out across different...
Our 2025 lineup will be here before you know it. In the meantime, get a taste of the artistry, activism, and belief you can expect in the fields from the posters below.
Hope in the Making
If grief is the thing with feathers (at least according to the wonderful Max Porter), then perhaps hope is the thing with hands. During our Communion Gathering at the festival last year, we asked...