Six ways to get together and dream up a better world
As it's Sunday, we thought we'd list some of the ways in which, by gathering together at Greenbelt, we might just be able to dream up – and even make – a better world. The key is the word...
Richard Keagan-Bull
Richard is a L'Arche Community Member, author, and advocate for people with learning disabilities.
Spoz (real name Giovanni Esposito) is an award winning performance poet, singer / songwriter, film maker, playwright and is the poet-in-residence at Birmingham City FC. Spoz has been seen on BBC...
Quakers in Britain
Quakers have formally partnered with Greenbelt twice, in 2015 and 2018, and held worship at the festival every year (but 2020 of course) since as long as we can remember.
YCCN (Young Christian Climate Network)
YCCN is an action-focused community of young Christians in the UK aged 18-30, choosing to follow Jesus in the pursuit of climate justice.
Nikki Eriksen
Nikki is a retired Anglican Priest living on the south coast of England. Since his teens he has studied Art History and Aesthetics, gaining an Honours Degree and a Masters. His specialist interests...
Operation Noah
Operation Noah is a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on the climate crisis.
Pilgrim Cross
Pilgrim Cross is an Easter pilgrimage, for all ages, that walks every year to Walsingham - an ancient site of pilgrimage in Norfolk. The pilgrimage is a way of celebrating Easter like no other....
Professor Strange
Drawing heavily from colourful Victorian imagery, vaudeville, steampunk and carnival sideshows and incorporating lively music and sound effects into his routines, Professor Strange weaves a strange...
John Casson
John Casson is L'Arche UK's National Leader
Lucy Winkett
Lucy Winkett is Rector of St James' Piccadilly
JustMoney Movement
JustMoney has a vision of a world where money shapes a fairer, greener future. It's not easy to talk about money, but we can't afford not to. What we do with money, how wealth is shared,...
Jennifer George
Jennifer George is Head of Computing at Goldsmith's University, London. She is passionate about inclusion and accessibility and currently working with students and leading the department, school and...
Lisa-Jayne Lewis
Lisa-Jayne is an ordained minister and began her career as a chaplain at the World Trade Center in New York following the attacks of 9/11, this left her with a life-long passion to see people...
Chris Baker
Chris Baker is Professor of Religion, Belief and Public Life at Goldsmiths, University of London and Director of Research at The William Temple Foundation. He publishes and researches widely on urban...