David Haslam
David Haslam is a Methodist minister. He has worked with several campaigning organisations and founded the Methodist Tax Justice Network.
Digitonal have been writing and performing their take on classically-influenced electronic music since 1997, with four studio albums for Toytronic and Just Music now under their belt. They are known...
CoCo and the Butterfields
CoCo and the Butterfields express the intimate vibrancy of a village folk fair with powerful vocal melodies and an undercurrent of driving beatbox to deliver catchy songs resonating in a...
Cole Moreton
Cole Moreton is an award-winning writer and broadcaster exploring who we are and what we believe in. His Radio 4 series The Boy Who Gave His Heart Away won Audio Moment of the Year at the Arias, the...
Corrymeela Community
The Corrymeela Community have fifty years of experience working alongside fractured communities and groups who are finding their relationships difficult, as well as addressing relational, societal,...
Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent born 1929 Degree in law. Catholic priest (parish/university chaplain) for nearly 30 years until retirement i 1987. Active in Pax Christ, War on Want, CND Previous Chair of Intl. Peace...
Burning Codes
Burning Codes is a collective but essentially the solo project of Irish, Belfast-born singer and songwriter Paul Archer. Collaborators have included members of Snow Patrol, Athlete and Tired Pony to...
Carys Bray
Carys Bray's debut novel A Song for Issy Bradley was broadcast on BBC Radio Four's Book at Bedtime.
Catherine De Souza
Catherine De Souza works with Langley House Trust, which delivers rehabilitation services to enable offenders to live crime free.
Catherine Ogle
Catherine Ogle became dean of Birmingham in 2010, only the third woman to be appointed dean in the Church of England.
Chris Baker
Professor Chris Baker of the University of Chester researches the role and contribution of religion to public life.
Chris Naylor
Chris Naylor is executive director of Christian conservation charity A Rocha. He formerly worked in Lebanon, saving a wetland.
Ciaran Lavery
Ciaran Lavery found his musical voice through the simplest of means: ‘listening to old 80s singles on my sister's record player.' Cutting his young teeth in various (often noisier) incarnations...
Brian and Krystal
An unconventional vaudeville-style act, punctuated by silly songs, the odd bit of Spanish dancing and loads of belly laughs.
Broken Brass Ensemble
Broken Brass Ensemble combines the traditional New Orleans brass with hiphop, balkan, funk, fanfare (and much more) into a blazing mixture of energy. The eight BBE members are all very young and...