Jess Dugdale
Lemon & Jinja is already the UK's largest independent refill store after only 5 years of trading. Boasting over 3,000 products, we offer a comprehensive range of refillable foods and liquids,...
Christian CND
The Christian Campaign for nuclear disarmament works and prays for a world free from nuclear weapons. We aim to educate Christians about nuclear weapons, provide a space for them to take action, and...
Jonathan Herbert
Jonathan Herbert has wide experience of community living. He lives at Hilfield Friary a Franciscan community, from where he works with Gypsies and Travellers. Prior to that he was leader of Pilsdon...
Lynn McAllister
Lynn is a trustee for Sabeel-Kairos, a Christian charity advocating within the various Christian denominations, for a just peace in the Holy Land. She also works as a counsellor for clergy across 5...
Christian Climate Action
Christian Climate Action is a prayerful community of Christians supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate breakdown.
Dario Solano
Dario Solano, Dominican Republic With studies in social sciences, cultural manager, environmentalist and communicator Coordinator of the Dominican Network of Afro-descendant Studies and Empowerment...
Operation Noah
Operation Noah inspires the Church to take meaningful action on the climate and nature crises. Our Bright Now Campaign works to ensure that UK Churches divest from fossil fuels, invest in climate...
Bejoy Pal
Bejoy Pal is CEO of the Ascension Trust and has been part of the team for 9 years overseeing the schools and youth work within the organisation. A Street Pastor in Croydon and a School Pastor in...
Dreaming on. Making space for Greenbelt in your Will.
Paul Chambers
Paul Chambers is a photographer based in Guernsey. And a long-time Greenbelter. Paul explored documentary photography in the 00's with Christian Aid and Amos Trust in Ghana, Tanzania and Palestine....
Peter Cruchley
Rev Dr Peter Cruchley is the Director of the World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism. Peter is a Mission Theologian from the UK who has been working especially on the...
Rev Rachel Mash
Rev Rachel Mash is the Coordinator of the Anglican Communion Environmental Network. She is based in Cape Town South Africa and works with the Green Anglicans Movement which started in Southern Africa...
Remote Shows
In collaboration with our main partner Christian Aid, our brand new venue – No Fly Zone — connects us to the wider world across the weekend. Thanks to amazing AV and broadband. Bringing the...
Ruth Hathway
Forts, tunnels and towers. Maybe robots and computers, flowers and trees? Physical, imagination-led, creative play for children and their grown-ups — all with cardboard boxes.
Mohamed Adow
Mohamed Adow is the Founder and Director of Power Shift Africa, which he formed in 2018 to mobilize climate action in Africa and shift climate and energy policies to zero carbon. He is an...