Co-operatives: Working Together for a Fairer World
From Fairtrade coffee growers in South America to snake charmers in India, cooperative enterprises have been building a fairer world for their members for over 200 years. This workshop will explore...
A more ethical Wedding
A workshop on organising a more ethical wedding. Weddings don't need to cost £20K to be good, or use huge amounts of resources on things you will never use again. Some of the best weddings are...
Alcohol: Britain’s Holy Grail
Brits spend in pubs three times what they spend on theatre, cinema and bingo combined. Government policy on tackling alcohol abuse has been weak, but with politicians being influenced by public...
Clean Cut Kid
Clean Cut Kid are a contemporary indie-pop act who mix classic melodies with sonic adventurousness and deliver defiant pop hooks with an emotionally-charged fragility. Listeners of a certain vintage...
The 9 Beats Collective: Mikael Rahbæk Andreasen
Mikael is a musician and award-winning composer based in Copenhagen, Denmark, who primarily works under the moniker Kloster (the Danish word for monastery) which is simultaneously a solo project, a...
Josephine Cocoran
Josephine is a poet, playwright, and short story writer. She founded and edits online poetry journal And Other Poems.
47 Soul
The music of 47SOUL takes Dabke – the traditional Palestinian street music and dance – to a whole new place. Deploying analogue synths, trance-inducing guitar lines and a mixture of Arabic and...
The 9 Beats Collective: Heatherlyn
Originally from the East Coast of Maine, Heatherlyn made her home in the Midwest USA (Minneapolis, Minnesota) and regularly contributes music in communities seeking to be peace and compassion in the...
The 9 Beats Collective: Mark Scandrette
Mark Scandrette is an author, speaker, activist, and networker among innovative Christian leaders. His books include FREE: Spending Your Time and Money On What Matters Most (IVP 2013), Practicing...
The 9 Beats Collective: Martin Trotman
A smooth, soulful and exceptionally skilled pianist, vocalist, composer, musical director and producer, Martin boasts an enviable collaboration list that includes 80s diva Jackie Graham and Peter...
The 9 Beats Collective: Reverend Vince Anderson
Vince serves as a pastor and musician at three New York City churches. Currently setting the book of Psalms to music, he describes his music as "dirty gospel"....
The 9 Beats Collective: Rozella Haydée White
Rozella is a coach, creator, and consultant. She currently serves as the Houston City director for Mission Year, an organisation committed to walking with young adults as they fall in love with Jesus...
The 9 Beats Collective: Eric Leroy Wilson
Eric serves as the associate chaplain at Pepperdine University. He's a certified spiritual director, executive coach and religion blogger for the Huffington Post, and award-winning playwright and...
Happy Hour presented by Tmesis Theatre Company
Liverpool's Tmesis Theatre is one of the UK's leading physical theatre companies, touring shows and delivering workshops nationally and internationally.
Lords of Strut
Glastonbury favourites Lords of Strut have been performing at festivals across Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand since 2011.