Chris Polhill
Chris Polhill runs the Reflection Gardens with her husband John. She is one of the first women to be ordained priest in the Church of England and has been a member of the Iona Community since 1994....
Nessie Ramm
Toadflax, woundwort, goat's-beard, viper's bugloss: these centuries-old plant names evoke the richness of this once wild land. But if you're looking for our native wildflowers these days you...
Tim Aldred
Tim Aldred spent a long time working for international development and environment charities. He began writing liturgies, prayers and poems, as a way to reflect on peace, justice, faith and prayer,...
Trevor Thorn
Formerly Appeals Director of The Children's Society and Development Officer for Ridley Hall, Theological College, Great St Mary's University church, Cambridge and Ely Cathedral. Iona Author. Now...
Revd. Dr. Gillian Straine
The Revd. Dr. Gillian Straine is CEO of The Guild of Health and St Raphael, an ecumenical Christian Organisation that exists to equip and inspire people to nurture health and healing in ourselves,...
Sabeel-Kairos are a Christian campaigning charity that works for human rights, justice and equality for Palestinians in partnership/solidarity with the Christian community in the Holy Land. They...
Shaeron Caton Rose
Shaeron Caton Rose is a social engaged artist working across Yorkshire. In 2021 she set up ReCreate with fellow artist Linda Baines, offering art and spiritual wellbeing sessions and retreats to...
The Pentecostal Credit Union (PCU)
The Pentecostal Credit Union (PCU) is rooted in the Pentecostal Faith. We are a community bank providing ethical savings and low-cost loans to our members, who come from the Pentecostal faith...
Richard Skinner
Richard, a south-east Londoner by upbringing, is a scientist by education, a writer/performer by inclination and a mental health worker (now retired) by financial necessity. In 2012 he was awarded a...
Ruth Harvey
Ruth Harvey was born in Glasgow, lives in Cumbria, and has crossed many borders in between. She is a Member of the Iona Community, and works for the Community as Leader.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation
FoR is an international movement of people who commit themselves to active nonviolence as a way of life and as a means of personal, social, economic and political transformation. Based in the...
Refugee Support Europe
Refugee Support was founded in 2016 in response to governmental failure across Europe to protect and support people who had fled violent conflict—a failure which continues to this day. Outside of...
Jess Dugdale
Lemon & Jinja is already the UK's largest independent refill store after only 5 years of trading. Boasting over 3,000 products, we offer a comprehensive range of refillable foods and liquids,...
Christian CND
The Christian Campaign for nuclear disarmament works and prays for a world free from nuclear weapons. We aim to educate Christians about nuclear weapons, provide a space for them to take action, and...
Jonathan Herbert
Jonathan Herbert has wide experience of community living. He lives at Hilfield Friary a Franciscan community, from where he works with Gypsies and Travellers. Prior to that he was leader of Pilsdon...