Corinne Bailey Rae in Conversation
Join former Greenbelt trustee and friend and mentor of Corinne Bailey Rae, Simon Hall, as he digs into the star's life of arts, faith and justice. Hear how, from humble beginnings, Corinne has...
Speaker(s): Corinne Bailey Rae presents Black RainbowsTread Lightly: Campaign!
Better transport choice and nicer places: everyone can play their part in helping to shape the sustainable streets of the future and allowing nature and people to thrive. Our panel of experts will...
Speaker(s): Greenbelt presents..., Wesley Wroe, Josh Grantham, Sarah Rowe, Dave WalkerTrauma Industrial Complex
Once a clinical term, trauma now dominates public debates and social media, where it is freely diagnosed. Prize-winning author and hip-hop artist Darren McGarvey examines the stories we tell...
Speaker(s): Darren McGarveyGuvna B in Conversation
Rapper, author and broadcaster Guvna B talks powerfully about youth violence. Discover its root causes and explore actionable steps our community can take to create lasting solutions and be part of...
Speaker(s): Guvna BThe Problem with Lived Experience
Darren McGarvey asks the difficult question: why personal stories of adversity feel good, but change nothing. He'll provoke us to think about social change and our relationships to our neighbour –...
Speaker(s): Darren McGarvey, Trussell TrustLooked After
Author Ashley John-Baptiste knows all too well the struggles young people in care and foster families face. His story reflects one of the 38K children coming into the care system this year. Join him...
Speaker(s): Home for Good, Ashley John-Baptiste, Tarn BrightOMG! Finding Hope In A World Falling Apart
‘I don't believe in an interventionist God', says Nick Cave. With good reason, given the untold carnage and suffering in the world. The cry ‘Where is God now?' heard in Auschwitz echoes in...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonTo Tell The Truth, Despite the Cost
Explore the life and message of novelist James Baldwin with priest and scholar Jarel Robinson-Brown: how his fearlessness and courage, his witness and his rage can help us navigate our world today.""
Speaker(s): Jarel Robinson-BrownSolidarity Not Charity In The Age Of Nakba
From the demos to the University encampments, young adults are leading the way in rethinking action for Palestine. Join a panel of young adult Christians as we dream about where this activism goes...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Student Christian Movement, Georgia Mifsud, William Gibson, Bella Cross, Joharah BakerAppreciation Not Appropriation
When is it okay to wear a bindi or a sari? Why are some cultural items seen as cool and fashionable? Join spoken word artist Jaspreet Kaur to explore how we can appreciate one another's cultures...
Speaker(s): Jaspreet KaurArtists in Revolution
What is the role of the artist in the revolution? Join artist Liv Wynter in conversation with Emilia (The Menstrual Cramps) as they discuss what makes an artist revolutionary in todays political...
Speaker(s): Liv WynterA World Fit for Our Children
Analysis can breed paralysis, says John Bell. But the people of God are expected to prophesy and make for a better world. What should be the shape of the future for our planet and our children and...
Speaker(s): John BellThe Religion We Need Next
Has religion had its day or did we just lose sight of why we need it? Join Liz Slade and friends from the Hard Art Collective in a conversation and workshop designed to explore the possibility of a...
Speaker(s): Liz SladeA World Without Racism
What is antiracist activism? And how do we organise for working class power around antiracist principles? Long-time activist Joshua Virasami discusses his new edited collection A World Without Racism...
Speaker(s): Joshua VirasamiInvasion: Russia’s Bloody War And Ukraine’s Fight For Survival
The award-winning journalist and author Luke Harding has been reporting from Ukraine since Vladimir Putin's full-scale February 2022 invasion. He was in Kyiv when Russian tanks rolled across the...
Speaker(s): Luke Harding