Solidarity Not Charity In The Age Of Nakba
From the demos to the University encampments, young adults are leading the way in rethinking action for Palestine. Join a panel of young adult Christians as we dream about where this activism goes...
Speaker(s): Christian Aid, Student Christian Movement, Georgia Mifsud, William Gibson, Bella Cross, Joharah BakerDreamers Who Do: Ecotheology
Welcome dreamers and doers! Wondering how to turn your creation care dreams into realities? Join the conversation, and explore practical ways of living out eco-theology.""""
Speaker(s): Church Mission Society, Methodist ChurchYou are a Beautiful Human Person
The love and soulful theology of former Greenbelt trustee Pip Wilson continues to shape the festival and lives of the Beautiful Human Persons (BHPs) attending. Join Andy Turner, Paul Vincent and...
Speaker(s): Greenbelt presents...Whatever Happened to Alternative Worship?
30 years ago it seemed the renewal of the church was going to come from a growing movement of small groups experimenting with creativity in worship, incorporating technology, art and contemporary...
Speaker(s): Greenbelt presents..., Doug Gay, Jorella Andrews, Sue Wallace, Jonny Baker, Martin PooleThe Election Is Over: Let The Politics Begin!
Join Citizens UK and the Joint Public Issues Team to explore how you and your church/community can affect the political climate on the issues you care about.
Speaker(s): Citizens UK, United Reformed ChurchFive Steps To Social Change
Let Citizens UK and the Joint Public Issues Team help you plan a campaign for social change that harnesses the skills and passions of your church/community.
Speaker(s): Citizens UK, United Reformed ChurchBuilding Trust In A Time Of Polarisation
Explore practical ways to build trust among diverse groups in a community to help bring about social change. With Citizens UK and the Joint Public Issues Team.
Speaker(s): Citizens UK, United Reformed ChurchCorinne Bailey Rae in Conversation
Join former Greenbelt trustee and friend and mentor of Corinne Bailey Rae, Simon Hall, as he digs into the star's life of arts, faith and justice. Hear how, from humble beginnings, Corinne has...
Speaker(s): Corinne Bailey Rae presents Black RainbowsTrauma Industrial Complex
Once a clinical term, trauma now dominates public debates and social media, where it is freely diagnosed. Prize-winning author and hip-hop artist Darren McGarvey examines the stories we tell...
Speaker(s): Darren McGarveyThe Problem with Lived Experience
Darren McGarvey asks the difficult question: why personal stories of adversity feel good, but change nothing. He'll provoke us to think about social change and our relationships to our neighbour –...
Speaker(s): Darren McGarvey, Trussell TrustOMG! Finding Hope In A World Falling Apart
‘I don't believe in an interventionist God', says Nick Cave. With good reason, given the untold carnage and suffering in the world. The cry ‘Where is God now?' heard in Auschwitz echoes in...
Speaker(s): Dave TomlinsonTransition and Collapse
Drawing from her meeting with decolonial leaders in the Sahel, Gail, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, will explore how we can “grow up and show up” as our systems collapse to support our...
Speaker(s): Gail BradbrookGod As… Child, Chaotic And Curious
What if we're called to be childlike in God's new kingdom, precisely because God is more childlike than adult? What if God is the chaos-shaped bundle of life which disrupts and disorders a...
Speaker(s): Graham AdamsAppreciation Not Appropriation
When is it okay to wear a bindi or a sari? Why are some cultural items seen as cool and fashionable? Join spoken word artist Jaspreet Kaur to explore how we can appreciate one another's cultures...
Speaker(s): Jaspreet KaurZero to Hero?
Zero waste. Zero Carbon. Net Zero. What does it all really mean? Motivating phrases or unrealistic goals? Join us for a real conversation with experts and business leaders, for a jargon-busting,...
Speaker(s): Greenbelt presents..., Catherine Pearson