If You’re Not At The Table, You’re On The Menu

Many of our government-funded systems are failing the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

At the same time, we are side-lining our greatest asset, local people. We have a stark choice – to keep pouring money into policies we know aren’t working, or to invest in new and better ways that really improve people’s lives.

We need a radical reset: one that empowers local charities, grassroots movements and faith groups, in a more imaginative, less bureaucratic, more collaborative approach to community development. A Manifesto for Hope sets out ten tried-and-tested practical principles for how to develop joined-up, cost-effective, community-empowering work, each gleaned form the hard-won experience that has sat at the heart of Steve Chalke’s work over the last four decades. It culminates in a call for a new social covenant, one that will transform the life chances of countless young people and families.

It’s time to reimagine. Lets explore practical ways that bring us off the menu and at the table.

Steve and Julie bring tons of experience, expertise, wisdom and common sense to community engagement – come and learn, share and get inspired as we think together of new ways of being community.
