As the UK’s finances struggle, cuts to the government’s overseas development spending and increasing demand on foodbanks, debt centres and other services in the UK are pitted against one another. With the rising cost of living and the pandemic taking a big toll on communities in the UK, should an increasing focus on domestic need change how we view our relationship with our global neighbours? Or is it a false distinction to think domestically or globally? Join a panel exploring the relationality and morality of addressing poverty both overseas and in our neighbourhoods, as we ask the question: who really is our neighbour? Chaired by Hannah Fremont-Brown, Anti-Poverty Movement Coordinator for the Methodist Church, with Danni Malone, Director of Network Programmes & Innovation at Trussell Trust, Pete Moorey, Head of Community & Church Fundraising & Engagement and Gareth McNab, Director of External Affairs at Christians Against Poverty
Panel: Charity Begins At Home?
