Ticket info
Made your decision?
Take me to the box officeMade your decision?
Take me to the box officeAt Greenbelt, we try to keep our ticket prices as affordable as possible. We want to enable as many people from a wide a variety of backgrounds to access the festival. Below is a list of the concessions tickets available and the ID required.
Concession Ticket Types
Ticket Name |
Who this is for |
One of the following is required as proof: |
CONCESSION – Statutory Benefit |
Receiving Universal Credit, Income Support & Pension Credit or other unemployment benefit. |
CONCESSION – Statutory Benefit |
Receiving Disabled Living Allowance/ ESA /PIP |
CONCESSION – Single Parent |
Single parents |
CONCESSION – Student |
Student |
Faith, Youth & Community Leaders |
If you are disabled and require a Personal Assistant to enable you to attend the festival, then Greenbelt is happy to provide you with an extra ticket for them, free of charge. |
If you are recovering from an operation that will this year affect your mobility at the festival or have another issue impacting on your ability to access the festival then we will be happy to discuss this with you on a case by case basis. |
*Faith, youth and community leader concession tickets are only available to a person in full-time employment in a leadership or pastoral capacity (such as clergy or youthworker) at your place of work.
Submitting your documents
Please note: you will need to bring your e-ticket and proof of ID to the festival to collect your weekend wristband.
If you think you are eligible for one of the above concessions but do not have the evidence required, please contact the office on 020 7329 0039 or gbinfo@greenbelt.org.uk.
If you are eligible for a concession ticket, but able to pay more, please consider making a top-up donation when buying your ticket.
Applications for our Open Festival 2025 are now open.
We know that even with the radical generosity of our community and our new ticketing model, there will still be those who fall through the cracks. Even though our Concession ticket is there as a safety net – there are some for whom a festival is beyond their reach. That’s why our Open Festival free ticket scheme invites you to nominate people, who you know would value and benefit from the Greenbelt experience but can’t make it work financially.
Please read the below guidelines before applying.
How we make our decision
We can’t support everyone, so to help our decision-making please do give as much detail as possible in your application. We may have to come back to you for further information.
We are looking for applications that give a sense of how attending Greenbelt might benefit your nominee and why the Open Festival scheme is absolutely the only way in for your nominee.
You might especially want to think about refugees and asylum seekers in your churches and communities who you could nominate and then bring.
We do sometimes support repeat applications over a number of festivals, but in those cases, we are looking for evidence of a move toward self-sufficiency or development in that time.
If you are successful, you will receive a free ticket/s that covers entrance to the festival and the use of our camping fields. Greenbelt cannot provide expenses to cover your travel or any accommodation costs. If you will be bringing a car or camper van then you will need to include this in your application.
Every other month we’ll review all the applications we receive, and respond to everyone who’s applied with our decision. So you won’t have to wait long until you find out if you’ve been successful.
Our hope is to make around 200 free Open Festival tickets available for next summer’s festival in response to your nominations across the year. But if there are more deserving nominations than we’re anticipating, then we’re not capping these tickets. As Mike Scott of the Waterboys sings: Bring ‘Em All In.
Click on the link below to open the application form in a new window
“It gave all of the family space to step aside from their financial worries and think about the year ahead … we are so grateful that Greenbelt runs the Open Festival. It was the highlight of their year and the source of lasting memories and inspiration.”
Church/Youth Officer, 2019 recipient
“Thank you Greenbelt, so much, for this glimpse of heaven. It was such an amazing time – really special. None of the families had ever experienced anything remotely like Greenbelt before. It opened and enlarged their world.”
Kathy, 2024 sponsor
“I’m shocked by everyone! They are so nice and happy and willing to help each other, it’s a beautiful atmosphere!”
2017 and 2018 recipient