The Right Revd Rachel Treweek

The Right Revd Rachel Treweek

Bishop Rachel was consecrated as the 41st Bishop of Gloucester in 2015 and made history by becoming the first female diocesan bishop and the first female bishop in the House of Lords.

Bishop Rachel trained as a Speech and Language Therapist at Reading University where she gained a BA in Linguistics and Language Pathology and worked as a Paediatric Speech and Language Therapist within the NHS.

During her time as the Bishop of Gloucester, she has launched the nationally recognised campaign Fighting for Women’s Justice. With a keen interest in gender justice and a particular passion for vulnerable girls and women, this campaign aims to change the women’s justice system and raise awareness of the incredible work that takes place through Women’s Centres across the country.

As Anglican Bishop for HM Prisons in England and Wales since 2020, she regularly visits prisons, supports chaplains and works alongside professionals across every aspect of the criminal justice system and HMPPS. Her role in the House of Lords includes being a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Women in Contact with the Criminal Justice System, and speaking out on all issues related to crime and imprisonment. In addition, she holds a number of positions across a wide range of voluntary and statutory organisations, which include being President of the Nelson Trust, a Patron of both the Prison Fellowship and The Welcome Directory, and an Ambassador for the Christian charity Restored.