Shaeron Caton-Rose has been exhibiting for over 20 years, making artworks using text, print, textiles, video, bookmaking, found objects and sound. Her work explores the meanings and narratives behind assumed realities, both in terms of faith and other ideas about ‘how the world is’. Recent shows include Procession, a large-scale intervention at Kirkstall Abbey in 2012, and Round Table, a community embroidery and installation at Gallery II, Bradford in 2013. Sticks and Stones was first conceived and created for Minster Nights, at York Minster in 2010. Shareon is currently working on making a new installation piece Tears of the Angels, for Trinity Arts Leeds. She is Artist in Residence at Henshaws Arts & Crafts Centre, Knaresborough, a day centre for adults with disabilities. For this placement she is making artist’s books with individuals around issues of sight / hearing impairment and societal attitudes to disability. This project is called Glossary.
Shaeron Caton-Rose