Ros Watts

Ros Watts

Dr Rosalind Watts is a clinical psychologist and an influential voice in the psychedelic field. Her research focuses on how psychedelic therapy can increase ‘Connectedness to Self, Others and World’.
Her 2017 Ted talk about psychedelic therapy had more than a million views but she has critiqued her earlier ideas, realising that these ways of working cannot be safe or effective until we create community infrastructure of care around them.

In order to start building a web of connectedness for people after psychedelic sessions, she co-founded a global online integration community, ACER (‘Accept, Connect, Embody, Restore’) which takes a collective approach to personal growth, and encourages re-alignment to the wisdom of nature.

After years of focusing on the importance of Psychedelic Integration, Dr Watts is now also developing infrastructure for ‘Psychedelic Outegration’, and exploring this within the ACER community. Some members become Elders who are supported to share some of the ACER practices free of charge in their local ecosystem. You can find out more about ACER and how to join the community at