Loving Earth Project

Loving Earth Project

Loving Earth Project panel

Loving Earth: A community textile art exhibition

An exhibition of textile art panels in a variety of styles illustrating some of the things people they love that are at risk from environmental change and what they are doing about it.

This is part of a project run by the Quaker Arts Network. Groups of Loving Earth panels have been exhibited in Britain and abroad, in churches, Quaker meeting houses, museums, galleries and libraries, Parliament and heritage sites. These are some of the 500 panels which have been made by a variety of individuals and communities.

You can join the project, making your own panel in the Loving Earth Project workshops at Greenbelt. Further information and resources will also be at the Quaker Arts Network’s Greenbelt Gazebo.

Facilitator, Linda Murgatroyd has been facilitating art and spirituality workshops for around 20 years. She co-founded the Quaker Arts Network after publishing an essay based around some of her own artworks, about the future of Quakers. (https://www.thefriend.co.uk/fq/085.htm)

Linda initiated the Loving Earth Project community textile art project in 2019 , to help people engage with the environmental crisis inspired by love. So far over 500 textile art panels have been created by people of all ages, in many parts of the world, with exhibitions touring around Britain, and beyond.