Liv Wynter

Liv Wynter

Photo by Jody Evans

Liv Wynter is a trans and working class grassroots organiser and performer. Alongside a prolific career in the arts and in frontline work, they have also campaigned and organised for 8+ years with a feminist direct action group. Liv currently works at an LGBTIQ+ domestic violence refuge and organises with Bands Boycott Barclays among other collectives. Liv uses creative practice to politically engage and inspire within their community and stands in solidarity with all collectives organising against any systemic oppression. Liv has 2 musicals, a poetry collection, an EP, and hundreds of sold out shows under their belt and is able to bring political and queer energy to any lineup. From gogoing to spoken word to hosting and beyond, Liv is the punk addition most lineups could do with a bit more of!