Laura Jessie Cook

Laura Jessie Cook

Laura Jessie Cook is Faith Communities Lead with Project Dandelion, a PhD student with the University of Birmingham researching the role of intergenerational dialogue in tackling the climate crisis, and a communications strategist with over 15 years’ experience working in third-sector communications.

Laura has rich experience in international development, climate advocacy, humanitarian aid, and ocean conservation communications. Laura is currently the Director of Communications at the Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED), an NGO dedicated to resilient food solutions for global catastrophic food failure. She is also the co-founder of Girls Interrupting, a global network supporting women and girls with dyspraxia, as well as a trustee with Empathy Action.

In her spare time, Laura is writing her first book and is an internationally award-winning photographer – she especially enjoys food photography where she can both enjoy taking photos as well as eating food!