Jenny Baker

Jenny Baker

Jenny loves being active. She’s been a runner for many years. She’s run eight marathons and over 200 parkruns, and she cycles and swims regularly too.

Jenny is also a writer and her book, Run for Your Life, tells the story of how she kept running through treatment for breast cancer in 2015.

Jenny is a feminist and has been an activist for gender equality for most of her life, through the way she’s parented, the study she’s done, through setting up a charity, writing a book, mentoring women and organising events for women in leadership.

Jenny’s latest project is Out of the Box cards, which she’s working on with a brilliant team of women.

Jenny lives in London. She is married to Jonny and they have two very creative adult sons, two fabulous daughters in law and three amazing granddaughters. She is proud to be an Ealing Eagle. She owns some woodland in Sussex with friends and shares an allotment in Ealing. She has a Masters degrees in Gender, Sexuality and Society from Birkbeck, University of London and in Voluntary Sector Management from Bayes Business School.

Jenny is operations director for Green Alliance.