I perform poetic monologues in which a character wrestles with an issue that may be environmental, political, psychological or religious. Many of the poems draw on ideas from the Bible (I have a degree in Biblical Studies from the University of Sheffield). I perform all my poems from memory. Music is a theme in my poems and on my YouTube channel there are performances which include the singing of lines of songs by George Gershwin, Abba and Bruce Springsteen. A.F. Harrold, poet in residence at Glastonbury Festival has said, “James bewitches an audience with his Ancient Mariner-like eye and steps with them into other worlds and other lives”. I performed at the Extinction Rebellion protests in 2019 and 2023 (see first video). I performed at the open mic at last year’s Greenbelt (see second video) and I perform regularly in pubs and at poetry venues in London (see third video). My poems have been published in respected poetry journals such as Ambit and Acumen and I am seeking a publisher for my first collection.
James Pendle Poet