Guy Hayward

Guy Hayward

Emily Garthwaite

Dr Guy Hayward is the Director of the British Pilgrimage Trust, which he co-founded in 2014 to promote the practice of ‘bring your own beliefs’ pilgrimage in Britain. He has been leading guided pilgrimages since 2016 and has been interviewed about modern pilgrimage for Netflix, BBC2‘s ‘Pilgrimage’ TV series and Channel 4’s ‘Britain’s Ancient Tracks’, contributes to Radio 4 and writes for the national media. Guy completed a PhD at Cambridge on how singing forms community, co-founded the Choral Evensong Trust with Rupert Sheldrake to promote Britain’s sacred choral tradition, and is half of comedy singing double act Bounder & Cad.

@drguyhayward @pilgrimtrust @choralevensong