Dr Laura Francis

Dr Laura Francis

Dr Laura Francis (she/her) is a Clinical Psychologist working in an NHS Maternal Mental Health Service. She is passionate about women’s health and empowerment. Within her work, Laura provides therapy for mothers and birthing parents following baby loss and birth trauma, specialising in trauma recovery and prevention. She is interested in the key transition times of birth and death and has carried out research in end-of-life experiences. Laura has also published research on healthcare practitioner experiences of breaking bad news, and supports maternity staff to help prevent burn out.

Within the Maternal Mental Health Service, Laura leads on the baby loss pathway and hopes that open, compassionate conversations about all types of baby loss will help to break down this taboo and enable bereaved parents to feel less alone and loved ones to feel more confident to maintain connections.

Laura lives in Sheffield with her husband and two sons, she loves being out in the Peak District, trees, and weightlifting.