Anna Robinson

Anna Robinson

Anna is a contemplative, drawn to the mystics and misfits, those who feel at home in the wilderness and on the edges. She gathers others who desire to live and love more consciously, kindly and bravely in a changing landscape of life and faith.

Anna is the founder of LiveLight|DwellDeep, a place where doubt, questions and mystery are welcome alongside curiosity, kindness and difference. She hosts retreats online and in person, to help us reconnect with our souls, the earth, the seasons and to Source (or whatever word you put to that Great Mystery of love, within and beyond us). She facilitates “Faith Shift” groups to support people in their journey of changing faith.

Her spirituality grew through connection to nature as a child and has become anchored in the wild and the mystical, contemplative, and Celtic traditions of Christianity, opening her up to inclusive theology and wisdom in other traditions and religions.

Anna is a host on the popular faith deconstruction podcast ‘Nomad’, creates “Nomad Contemplations” (guided meditations for patreon subscribers) and writes a blog called ‘Foraging for the Soul’.