Bejoy Pal

Bejoy Pal

Bejoy Pal is CEO of the Ascension Trust and has been part of the team for 9 years overseeing the schools and youth work within the organisation. A Street Pastor in Croydon and a School Pastor in Lambeth, Bejoy has been involved in youth work/ministry for many years supporting missions and projects in Moldova and nations across East and West Africa; as well as connecting with the young people and community at Christchurch Purley, which has been his spiritual home for over 20 years.

The ecumenical nature of the Street and School Pastor movement flows through his being, to see a united church, visibly present in the local communities where it moves, to bring the transformational message of Jesus’ Gospel through Peace, Hope, Faith and Love to all who need to see it, feel it, hear it and know it.