Brooke Prentis

Brooke Prentis

Aboriginal Christian Leader, Writer, Speaker, Company Director…and Poet

Dreaming, Praying, Acting, Inviting all peoples of all cultures to work together to build an Australia built on Truth, Justice, Love, and Hope.

Brooke Prentis, GAICD, CA, BCom, BA, Grad Cert Theology

Brooke is an Aboriginal Christian Leader. She is from the Wakka Wakka peoples (one of 300 nations in these lands now called Australia).

A Chartered Accountant by profession with over 15 years senior management experience in the corporate world including with Ernst & Young and top 100 ASX listed companies. An experienced Company Director serving on a number of boards and looking to show my passion for and skills in governance with paid board opportunities.

Brooke has achieved a number of firsts including being the first Aboriginal person to be appointed as the CEO of a national Christian organisation in Australia that is not a specifically Indigenous organisation, the first Aboriginal person to graduate from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts, and one of only about 30 Indigenous Chartered Accountants in all of Australia.

She has loved building relationships with Aboriginal peoples right across these lands now called Australia particularly through being the volunteer Coordinator of the Grasstree Gathering (, a growing network of over 200 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders from across Australia and across denominations.

She is an international speaker, writer, educator, and poet, as well as a community pastor and pursuer of justice. She’s published a number of academic papers, chapters of books, lectures.

Brooke is currently completing writing a book, which will be published in the next 12 months, to assist non-Indigenous Australians to engage, build, and deepen relationship with Aboriginal peoples, Aboriginal Christian Leaders, and Aboriginal justice, including Reconciliation.

She shares a message of Reconciliation as friendship and speak on issues of justice affecting Australia.

Brooke can assist organisations with development of Reconciliation Action Plans, conduct Cultural Awareness workshops, present to schools, advise on cultural safety, and present workshops on Listening to the Statement from the Heart. She dreams and works towards inviting people to work together to build an Australia built on truth, justice, love and hope.

Brooke has appeared on national and international television, radio and podcasts including ABC’s The Drum, NITV The Point, Soul Search with Dr Meredith Lake, God Forbid with James Carleton, The Religion and Ethics Report with Andrew West, InVerse, and in the US Christianity Today and The Bible for Normal People.

She has also written for publications including The Sydney Morning Herald, SBS, and Sojourners in the US.