7PM Soundsystem
A.L. Kennedy
Abdul-Rehman Malik
Adesuwa Bullen
Allotment Gallery
Andrew Howie
Andy Kind
Angela Neville
Anjum Anwar
Ava Vidal
Bert Miller and the Animal Folk
Beth Goudie
Bill Phelps, Laura Smith and the Fishwick family
Bird, Forward Theatre Project
Bishop Libby Lane
Bishop Pushpa Lalitha
Boat To Row
Bob Gilbert
Brian and Krystal
Broken Brass Ensemble
Bruce Kent
Bruce Stanley
Burning Codes
Carys Bray
Catherine De Souza
Catherine Ogle
Chris Baker
Chris Naylor
Chuli Scarfe
Ciaran Lavery
CoCo and the Butterfields
Cole Moreton
Corrymeela Community
Danni Nicholls
Dave Andrews
Dave Smith
David Barclay
David Haslam
Dr Chris Meredith
Duke Special
El Gruer
Elizabeth S. Dodd
Ella and the Blisters
Emma Anthony and Siobhan Grimes
Escargot Theatre
Eve Poole
Extravaganza, Le Navet Bete
Festival Communion
Folk On
For The Little People, Caroline Horton & Co and China Plate
Fr Chris Bedding
Fran Smith
Fraser Dyer
Fred Apps
Fuzz Kitto
Garth Hewitt
Gary Hall
Gavin Mart
Gaz Brookfield
Gemma Dunning
Giles Fraser
Goth Eucharist
Grace Acton Roberts
Grace Petrie
Heather Wall
Hollie McNish
Holly Slingsby
Homegrown Collective
Hush by holy::ground (Woking)
Iain Archer
Iona Community
Jamie Poole
Jason Patterson
Jeff Halper
Jeremy Moodey
Joanna Jepson
John Bell
John Christensen
Jon Mackay
Joni Fuller
Jonny & The Baptists
Judy Reith
Julie Siddiqi
Karen Chalk
Kate Bottley
Katharine Welby-Roberts
Katherine Maxwell-Rose
Keal Work
Kelvin Holdsworth
Kimarne Henry
King Porter Stomp
Kiran Ahluwalia
Love & Rabbits, The Underground Clown Club
Lucy Winkett
M for Medea
Madeleine Bunting
Magnus Macfarlane-Barrow
Making Faces
Malcolm Guite
Marc O’Reilly
Marcus Bonfanti
Marika Rose
Marina Cantacuzino
Matt Carmichael
Matt Freer
Matt Sellors
Maya Evans
Michael Northcott
Michelle Hodgson
Mike Truman
Miriam Jones
Mona Siddiqui
Moon passion Flamenco Band
My Pet Monster and Me, Blunderbus Theatre Company
New Portals
Niall Cooper
Nick Coke
Noel Moules
Ockhams Razor
Oldtime Nursery
Open Bethlehem
Orit Azaz
OUT at Greenbelt
Pascuala Ilabaca y Fauna
Paul Bell
Paul Maxwell- Rose
Paul Vallely
Pearl Fish
Pecha Kucha
Peter Bazely & Friends
Peter Graystone
Peter Stanford
Peterson Toscano
Philippa Holloway
Phill Hopkins
Pint Dreams, Tin Box Theatre
POP, Christian Lee
Portrait, Racheal Ofori
Professor Neil Messer
Project Jam Sandwich
Rae Hancock
Raffle! presented by Barbara Nice
Rev. Richard Coles
Rhoda Dwyer
Richard Brooks
Richard Coan
Richard Reynolds
Rob Cowen
Robert Cohen
Rosalind Peters
Sam Brookes
Sam Lee & Friends
Sara Hyde
Sarah Farrimond
Scott Matthews
Simon Cross
Simon Mayo
Simon Morden
Siobhan O’Loughlin
SK Shlomo
Speak Brother
Spiritual Direction
St Albans Forest Church
Steph Macleod
Stephen Oram
Steve Chalke
Stu McLellan
Susie Fishburne
Team of the Decades
The Bogside Mural Artists
The Coopers
The Dan The D
The Devil’s Passion, Justin Butcher
The Divide: The Spirit Level Documentary
The Fruitful Earth
The Grove
The Kingfisher and the Damselfly by everyBODY dance
The Last Cuckoo, Andrew Harrison
The Mount
The Polyphonic Spree
The Quilting Bee presented by Craftio Divina
The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus
The Shelter
The Slackline School
The Sufi Sessions
The Thousand Mile Dress by Katie Duxbury
The Unthanks
Thea Hopkins
This Is The Kit
Thomas Trilby
Three Acres and a Cow
Tibetan Monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery
Tobias Jones
Toby Campion
Tom Butler
Tom McLeish
Tony Vino
Vamos Theatre presents Finding Joy
Vanessa Kisuule
Vessel presented by Acrojou
Victoria Burton-Davey
Vince Atta
Wayside Willow
We Are Many
Wes Zaharuk
Woke presented by Testament
Worry Dolls
XLP Arts Showcase
Zara McFarlane