10 teenage kicks at Greenbelt (so hard to beat)

10 teenage kicks at Greenbelt (so hard to beat)

At Greenbelt we want teenagers to go free-range and enjoy the run of the place. We’ve got a dedicated workshop venue and chillout space just for them, with events laid on all weekend but also you know…just how often do you get your own country estate to muck about in for the weekend? Here’s ten ways for teens to get firmly stuck into The Greenbelt Of It All in August…

1) Want to change the world? You’ve come to the right festival. Take a look at the many and varied workshops, talks, crafting sessions we’re running to help you make your voice heard at the festival this year.

2) For one weekend you’ve got the freedom (and safety) to have all the independence you could ever want to roam around the site, drop into conversations, go campaigning or just stay up all night at the campsite’s 24-hour cafe.

3) We wouldn’t recommend trying to skate round the grassy fields at Greenbelt, but for any sk8r girls and boys who fancy bringing their trucks and decks, we’ve a skate ramp set up for you in the Engine.

4) The Engine and Den are our dedicated youth workshop venue and chill out spaces. There’s a great programme of stuff lined up across the weekend, with artists dropping in, craftivism, reflection, cake, debate and much, much more.

5) If you love performing arts then you can fill your boots all weekend with life-changing drama and comedy in our Playhouse theatre venue. Go as often as you like (it’s all free) and see stuff you’d never see anywhere else, from funny, strange, scary shows about online sexism to heartwarming stories from circus strong women.

6) We’ve more than 300 artists, performers and groups coming and putting on around 550 performances and shows over the weekend. Come and get involved in conversations with really interesting campaigners and thinkers talking to brilliant young interviewers, like Less Waste Laura talking to Caroline Lucas and Ro Rawat talking to Angela Saini. Or check out the old people and meet one of the founders of Extinction Rebellion or someone who has made some of the very best music of the last 50 years. Maybe joust with Andy Robertson (it’s a playstation game you play outside and it involves zombies) or get inspired by rapper, footy fan and broadcaster Guvna B. It’s all there for you. Dive in.

7) Then dance it all off with late-night DJ sets in the Hot House after everyone else has gone to bed, before heading back to our all-night cafe in the campsite for a nightcap.

8) Did we tell you about our headliners? We’re bringing our main stage outside this year so make sure you’re right down the front for the rhymes of the mighty Kae Tempest, and the crowd-pleasing beats of Jeremy Loops.

9) How much do you know about the Rebel Rouser? Perfect for older teenagers, it’s our brand spanking new venue in the heart of the festival site and it’s going to be packed with DIY inspiration and creativity all weekend. Head out there and start a revolution.

10) If you’re too young to get served in the Jesus Arms, never fear – the Hope & Anchor is our alcohol-free bar and conversation space where you can hang out. They’ve got an escape room for you to try and break out from too. Or trap your parents inside (we won’t ask too many questions).