Support Greenbelt

As a registered charity, we depend on the generosity of people’s giving to grow and develop. Things are precarious for the festivals, arts and events sectors right now – as for so many areas of our lives. If you believe in the space we make, here’s how you can support Greenbelt.


We affectionately call you an Angel if you make regular donations to our festival. Greenbelt Angels provide an incredible 23% of our income. The festival simply couldn’t survive without them. Our Angel giving not only enables us to weather the storms but also to dream harder.

You’ll get the inside track all year round on the festival’s news, plus occasional exclusive offers and invites. At the festival we invite you to a special reception, and you’ll be able to put your feet up at the Angel Lounge and mingle with your fellow heavenly hosts. Best of all, you’ll get to play your part in securing the future of the festival you believe in. 

We affectionately call you an Angel if you make regular donations to our festival. Greenbelt Angels provide an incredible 23% of our income. The festival simply couldn’t survive without them. Our Angel giving not only enables us to weather the storms but also to dream harder.


Already an Angel? Can you spread your wings a little wider?

If you’re already an Angel and you’re in a position to review and increase your giving, then you’d be making a huge difference to the festival you love.

Together we can build something even more special for the next 50 years. A festival that continues to thrive because it’s fueled by hope, creativity, and a community founded in belief and belonging.

If you’re already an Angel and you’re in a position to review and increase your giving, then you’d be making a huge difference to the festival you love.

Together we can build something even more special for the next 50 years. A festival that continues to thrive because it’s fueled by hope, creativity, and a community founded in belief and belonging.

Increase your giving
Already an Angel? Can you spread your wings a little wider?


You can also support Greenbelt by making a one-off donation. It’s simple and secure to do online through Sheep CRM.

If you can, don’t forget to make sure that your giving is Gift Aided, as it allows us to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your donation. So on a donation of £10, we get an extra £2.50 for our work. And it doesn’t cost you a thing.

You can also support Greenbelt by making a one-off donation. It’s simple and secure to do online through Sheep CRM.

If you can, don’t forget to make sure that your giving is Gift Aided, as it allows us to reclaim the tax you have already paid on your donation. So on a donation of £10, we get an extra £2.50 for our work. And it doesn’t cost you a thing.



If Greenbelt has made a difference in your life, you could consider leaving us a gift in your will to help secure the Festival for future generations. As Greenbelt is a registered charity, no inheritance tax is payable on your gift, which means that in addition to supporting Greenbelt, you could also reduce the inheritance tax liability on your estate.

If Greenbelt has made a difference in your life, you could consider leaving us a gift in your will to help secure the Festival for future generations. As Greenbelt is a registered charity, no inheritance tax is payable on your gift, which means that in addition to supporting Greenbelt, you could also reduce the inheritance tax liability on your estate.

Read more about legacy giving here


We keep in touch with our Angels by email – so we need to have your details right. Hannah in the office looks after our Angels. You can reach her by email or by calling her on 020 7329 0038.

Already an Angel?
If you want to increase your regular giving, update your details or ask us a question about being or becoming an Angel you can read more here, or if you prefer, email Hannah or call her on 020 7329 0038.

Gift Aid
We use the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and Sheep CRM to process your giving so we can top up your donations with Gift Aid.

We keep in touch with our Angels by email – so we need to have your details right. Hannah in the office looks after our Angels. You can reach her by email or by calling her on 020 7329 0038.

Already an Angel?
If you want to increase your regular giving, update your details or ask us a question about being or becoming an Angel you can read more here, or if you prefer, email Hannah or call her on 020 7329 0038.

Gift Aid
We use the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and Sheep CRM to process your giving so we can top up your donations with Gift Aid.